[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

This video is great tbh

Oh well, Iā€¦ nowā€¦ understand this rule extremely good.

It should be used as sparingly as possible, but replacing out because something unforseeably unexpected popped up IRL that is now occupying a lot more time than could have previously been anticipated, or replacing out because you feel youā€™ve been deceived by the host in terms of the nature of the game, should never be against the rules

The manner in which you did it was kind of unfortunate because it basically confirmed you as town but I donā€™t think you broke any rules, per se.

Thatā€™s why the legitimate reason clause exists


In fact this was 100% not alignment indictive in my case :eyes: Iā€™d have done it as either alignment

By the way now that this game is over what happened between max and Vulgard

Like, every time I posted a read on Vulgard, I felt vaguely uncertain because I was pretty sure Iā€™d be townreading that slot without the replacement, but not positive.

She absolutely would have.
Priestess just hates bastard mechanics in general.

Thatā€™s why players are encouraged to keep replacement talk out of thread

Unfortunatly humans canā€™t not think about something

If you tell them to not do something, they will do it automatically in their mind lmao

@Solic what the hell

Scum!you would have been less surprised, and likely would have replaced out earlier if you thought redirecting the Prince was a possibility.

Thatā€™s why we have modkills

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I ping the host when I ask a direct question, so itā€™s easy to track.

I always ask lots of questions to the hosts. :man_shrugging:

I was more surprised about the fact you pinged her 5 times in under 10 minutes


Modkills are only for damage control when a force replace cannot work

Lul, I kinda understand now why this is the normal case (I still think in extreme cases Iā€™d just modkill people tho)

@Ozzkozz Bastard. I underestimated your intelligence. Iā€™m sorry.

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