[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Lets agree To vote jg And sulit d2

She didn’t do it in FoL 22 (where we were both town)

Cause I was DEAD iirc

That’s going to have to depend on what their content is like.

I specifically looked at D1.

Alright, so something was said about hero power.
But the reason I am concerned is the one which was used to illustrate it.
Could be a total mistake here to do so but the one posted was the Hunter hero power.

Also something about anti-claim vig mechanism or something like that.
Plus the enemy faction is like a teal/turquoisey colour.

I then saw Priestess had said about being butler which is just… if you were to test for claimvig then you’d try smaller bits first to see how much they need to CV people. Not just hardclaim because that’s kinda obvious.

Prince has same behaviour as scum tho

…And she did do it in EFoL 3, where she was EK.

/aggressively FoS Priestess since no D1 lynch

Push the thread

IIRC they’re both asleep right now.

Now you know why I don’t play in games with D1 lynch

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You said you wanted to solve game So push in some direction


GTH, how many scum exist in Priestess/Geyde?

I just want to note for the record that I correctly townread you and picked up on your Prince soft on D1 on FoL 22, I am clearly not just scumreading you because you act scummy as any alignment.

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Was the first one in my search list lol

PKR is scum Cuz his opener is wallpost with mechanic talk


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Exactly what I thought too

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He was saying that I may have technically softed Hunter and was alerting to the world for it.


Why does this even matter

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