[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

I honestly don’t want to interact with Wazza anymore because he’s just insulting me and calling me bad.
Let him die.

Sorry that I have friends that I want to give my care to because they are really some of the only things I have.

I’m really just out now for real, cya.

You still think that?

after literally everything past the scumcolor letters flipping shows kyo to be scum.

Wow. Just wow.

Im way more confident in Waz and mag so I wont push you, for now

Still trying to make me feel bad with his ‘exit post.’

And using things I could not have possibly known to make me feel bad.

I’m starting to think he’s a terrible person and not just an obnoxious player. I really shouldn’t be saying that or thinking that though.

Also, although I don’t want to doubt the validity of this MEGA Ate, I will mention that wazza did the exact same thing as scum in my first ever game

This is borderline manipulative, and pretty damn scum indicative

He’s been playing like this for so long and wasn’t suspended once?

This disgusts me.

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We need two more replacements.

Again, don’t talk about it in-thread.

I don’t think he’s lying. But i do think he is using this to his advantage, which is a scum and dick move


What the fuck is going on.
I’m not saying more.


Oh God

This is giving Me PTSD from when Alice was sorc

and from Lotrfm

@Marshal Do you think you understand the “cipher” in my earlier post? It’s pretty important.

Yeah, i agree.

Look, i’m not the least toxic player, but we don’t need another toxic game.
We wan’t this game to be remembered as a strong town win with associative reads, not a toxic-fest.

So let’s keep thinks civil. I’m looking at you too, vul. I might disagree with some of wazza’s playstles, but lets save that for postgame.

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Im gonna take a shower and eat

need to clear my head a bit from this mess.

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If i’m honest, no. Kai made a bunch of these for survivor, and i completely scuked at them.

If they are about the link, you can be more blunt i think, as only I have access to them now.

It’s more like I don’t want scum to figure out what I’m doing.

Basically I want you to link two specific people and the cipher has to do with who.

Sorry. I realize I’m much more aggressive than ever before.
There’s a reason for it, but postgame, postgame.

I think i have an idea bout 5.

but who would 1 be in this case?

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