[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Also…some dead called me a she, I need safe space.

/sub into both slots and instantly win the game with my god-tier skills such as being in spec chat


Just in case, you may want unvote a bit and take Icibalus to victory.

I really not hope this is not the slot I expect to be.

Watch Icibalus make one comment and then insta die like someone else we know…

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Hosts: wouldn’t it be funny if we had someone replace in and die immediately?

also hosts: hey guys we need replaceements plz :frowning:

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Ici in Danganronpa FM 4 days ago.

Ici in Looming Threat today.

Prophetic statement.
:heart: you Ici.

Speaking on behalf of the mod since they aren’t online.

Spectators are informed, so Icibalus will not be able to replace in.


Disappointment of the century.

my free speech is being oppressed, this just goes to show that we live in a society

Can you two not?

Also I reiterate that talking about replacements is strictly forbidden.


[!] Solic disliked that, I’m sure.
Well, I’m open to Solic clearing himself; I’m pretty convinced there’s one scum between him and Centuries, which is an oof.
That might change though.

The thing is, nobody is townreading solic.

Like it’s weird. Wouldn’t at least 1 scumbuddy stick up for him?

This is what gives me LotR flashbacks and makes me suspect Centuries more because of that weird Kyo interaction. Solic had no interactions with Kyo that I remember so I can’t really associate there.

Solic is more scummy on an individual level but I can’t tie him to any scum members. With Centuries it’s a little different.

I never said I wasn’t townreading solic, but then again I never revealed my whole readlist yet lol.

What has solic done to make you scumlock them? I honestly still had a null on them.

chill out. I was literally making a point in solics defence

Nobody is sticking up for him. ANd if you had solic on your scumteam, wouldn’t you want to keep him there? For the guidance and expertise?

But as scum, it would make sense to shade solic. Because we’ve seen how dangerous he can be.

I maintain that the scumteam has a member with game sense that knows who should be nightkilled. Not sure who it is yet, but PoE seems to suggest Solic/Centuries to me and I’m leaning centuries.

That said, if it’s a strong player, they might be getting miscleared. :thinking:

I guess it could be PKR but it doesn’t feel right to me. He hasn’t done a lot in thread, he’s mostly frozen unless prompted. He had a super early vote on Kyo which he never thought about rescinding (although it would be a very good distancing move if something went wrong). I honestly don’t remember PKR playing like that as scum. I’ve never seen him frozen in thread as scum, so either he changed his strategy or he’s just town.

I’m not really using any evidence here but these are my thoughts.

YOu can make that argument for PKR, solic, centriess, geyde/blizer, frost, or any vet/player with decent gamesense.

You also could just have a pretty coordinated scumteam full of newer(or recetnly returning) players like LOTRFM.

I don’t think this argument is decent evidence to incriminate either of them.

Adding “randomly” here feels like he’s trying to justify himself.

… This feels so premeditated. How did noone see this yet.

One note short answers, as they know they are in the hotseat now.

At least they’re consistent.

There is already proof here that they say they have Swear Fealty!

Shading Vulgard with zero followup.

Just showing self consciousness.

So. Much. Fluff… Ugh

Happy Belated Birthday! :partying_face:

Wait actually…

They have been going for Derps this whole game… Is this some weird low effort distancing? (I mean GT isn’t low effort though)

They sound surprised on a greencheck mention lol…


First it’s in the card with nothing wrong and then after being called out for it.

“Oh no it was just some mistake”

I was kinda null on Magnus before, but this is damning. Reading a bit more before casting a vote.

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