[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

I put you in the sort later bucket personally

Because I didn’t think that was a read at all… I thought it was criticism toward him as a player

Priestess is at most Sellsword. And even then, she’d be harming her faction for possibly baiting a claimvig.
I don’t see Priestess being a harmful neutral here.

Why can’t she be MLP: FIM?

I’m Rainbowdash :upside_down_face:

Priestess cannot be MLP:FiM because of reasons people have already explained that I can’t be bothered to unless you really want me to.

Luxy started by quickly shading Priestess, being moreso dismissive and almost insultive of their strategy rather than question it which is very much unlike them usually.

Complained about memes, then memes, then complained again and used something that was a potential ‘jokepost’ for a dislike but it was in a way which… everyone was thinking what Luxy said but it was the weakest towncred attempt. After this, Luxy went back to joking.

It just felt like a lot of back and forth between styles as if Luxy did not know what to do in this scenario perhaps due to the claimvig or the fact that the ratio of scum/non-scum is not what they desired.

Out of Luxy/Arete/Hja (I had only said Luxy/Arete at the time) I was sure there was one scum and Luxy’s style, tone in posts just kept pinging me. I believe Luxy’s actions, flipflopping and lacklustre posts to be different from their towngames thus far and therefore a scum AI.

I believe Luxy may have been attempting to slowly pocket Hja and/or Arete earlier on while throw shade on those who were easy to do so in order to preserve their team (Me, Priestess and Teleo). Team-preservation by forming associations early on in popular opinions with a bit of sheeping.


What was the point of asking this question?

I want to know your reasoning.

I haven’t read Marshal enough yet to make a decision on that first one. If you switch it to one of Luxy/PKR is town I’m more inclined to agree.

Someone above was saying that certain classes can’t claim. I don’t know what that really meant, but I was hoping they’ve explain.

I was scum reading both Marshal and Luxy but Marshal was scum reading Luxy is why I said that

So why would you ask someone if they’re one of those classes? All it does is either (a) narrow down the Prince/Justiciar PoE or (b) semi-out the Prince/Justiciar.

There is a claim vig present (an evil that can kill someone who softs or claims I think)

My reason is the same as people have already explained. Long story short, Priestess has literally claimed Butler with a claimvig in play. Who does that. A butler who wants to make things interesting does.

I also like this post

I mean it’s completely wrong but I can see where Priestess is coming from.

Isn’t afraid to hardclaim. If I was scum I would not have hardclaimed here. I always leave room for additional claims.

This is within 57 posts

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tell me guys why soul isnt confirmed meanie

I’m still half working in RL, so maybe I’ll do an ISO on Marshal later in the day. If that’s the case, do you think Marshal and PKR are SvS or do you think it’s the other way around?

I think PKR is town and I’m leaning more toward Luxy being the scum honestly


I didn’t realize it was only BD. I thought it went for an equal amount of evils too.

…I mean, obviously evils can’t claim their real class or they’ll get executed…