[SFoL] SFoL 53: Looming Threat - Completed

Squid seems very surprised/confused about Luxy’s flip.
A Prince dying shouldn’t cause that much confusion/shock, so I’d be assuming it was his logs that caused the confusion but

This confirms she hadn’t even read his logs yet.
I don’t know why town wouldn’t even bother to read logs.

This improves my opinion on here, but distancing is still possible.

Wasn’t most of wednesday Night Phase?

Does anybody know what this even means?

It’s not much, but Squid doesn’t have a lot of posts.

I currently think Squid is scum.


I missed this before. This pings me as a very towny thing to acknowledge. Outright saying that you skipped someone (that person being Geyde is all the more significant) and then explaining it with no prompt.

And this is about Solic. Jgoes’ opinion here goes directly against the consensus at the time and is something I completely agree with.

I didn’t say this before, but I really liked the question he asked here. There is nothing in particular I can point out here that makes Jgoes townier, but the post gave me a good gut feeling.

Upon re-reading, I’m starting to consider Jgoes might be town and should be much higher on my readlist. There is nothing that pings me as scummy motivation-wise, and his tone feels the exact same as his tone in Clash of Cults, where he was town.

I’m not yet certain about Jgoes being town, but the signs are there in my opinion. I don’t see much of an agenda throughout the game, he is not buddying with anyone nor is he trying to mislynch. It seems clear he is thinking about the game properly and he has provided a unique perspective a few times. All of that is not outside of the range of being fabricated, but… somehow, I doubt scum!Jgoes would be able to fabricate all of this convincingly. Maybe I’m underestimating him, but he has been… pleasant throughout the game. Like a person who is calmly and rationally moving the game forward and trying to contribute, but without attempting to push an agenda or mislead. He just seems… genuine.

This is first time that happens in recent memory.

You didn’t saw my confusion?

Wheeee hi

Vulgard subbed in for priestess yeah

…I’ve just realized that me townreading, or at least townleaning Jgoes makes someone even scummier than they were before (from my perspective).

Let me get into this for a moment.

Right, well, I wrote this up last night (some of it was edited today) and I was hoping I wouldn’t need it, but right now I’m terrified that I’ll get quickhammered while literally on a plane so I’m not going to risk trying to clear myself the normal way:

Right, since I’m not really seeing any way around it I’ll claim so I can at least avoid wasting a lynch, even though it means I’m basically guaranteed to be the nightkill tonight if any dayvigs that happen to exist don’t get to me first.

So, uh, yeah. I’m the Justiciar. After … pretty much every scumgame I’ve ever had I’m not expecting you to trust me just for hardclaiming a mechanically confirmable class, so immediately after this message I’m submitting an Entrusted Correspondence through Alice (it’ll be the one about there being 5 main scumteam members and no conversion) to prove that I’m telling the truth.

We’re fighting the Syndicate. Lightly paraphrased things I know about the Syndicate:

-They have 5 primary members, conversion isn’t a thing they can do
-They are the only threat and there isn’t an NK (I’m not 100 percent sure if the wording on my rolecard necessarily precludes neutrals of any kind, and I don’t think I can quote the exact one)
-If they get kinged, they keep their actions
-They know whether a Priest or Mystic is in game, and if so which one
-The anti-claim one that I sent yesterday
-They can tailor and frame, and they have a godfather
-There’s a 6th member who isn’t in scumchat
-There’s an Omega-actions-backup member (I think this is like someone who could perform an Omega action if the person who’s supposed to be able to died)

Names of Omega actions:

-Dies Irae
-Call of the Apocalypse
-New World Order (this one goes with the Lost Wolf)

On D1 I used Eldritch Learning to discover what Call of the Apocalypse does. Essentially, it means that once every living BD is marked with a Mark of the Apocalypse, the Apocalypse starts and lasts as long as the relevant Syndicate member is alive, which makes all BD investigatives fail, makes Syndicate members night immune, and makes the factional kill bypass healing and immunity. Also, they get a dayvig once the apocalypse starts. My second night action lets me find out how many players have been marked or are at a counter of 2 for a mark/counter used in an Omega action; 1 players are currently marked with said Mark.

Thinking that the Magnus thing was from New World Order, which if I’m right suggests that the LW thinks he’s scum, but not neccessarily that he actually is.

I’m not outing my N1 check yet. It’s in my logs.

@Teleology sucks how every time you’re scum you pick mechanically confirmable town to deathtunnel, doesn’t it?

And now we wait to find out if there’s a claimvig that acts during the day.

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I acknowledge that posting this now rather than waiting to see who else hopped on my wagon is suboptimal but getting quickhammered while unable to respond is even more suboptimal.

Going to go call a Lyft to the airport, be back on mobile in a few minutes.

I respect the effort.
I’m not going to say anything more, since I’m currently still reading a specific other person. But I encourage people to respond to this.

omni- something


That isn’t what i said

doesn’t matter can be signalling

Well that sure changes things. Maybe look at the people who suggested to king scum so they “would lose all their fancy abilities”?

Hey, Arete claimed a mech confirm class again

what i was trying to say is that i was upset that he treated LHF as a comprehensively impossible possibility

Wait for alice to come online :upside_down_face:

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Son of a fucking bitch

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Aside from the fact that scum would know all this

who cares about that part.

You used a word that happens to be alike to one of the abilities.

So then, we have two…?

Actually, Justiciar never did have the Unique icon, did it?