[SFoL] SFoL 54: Looming Threat - Interest Check


i’m 100% in

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/spectate I guess if there’s any?

Will definitely spectate. Depending on actual free time post school start maybe join


Eh, nvm this. I recycled the template from Hand of Byzantium.

The first three no. The entire theme of this game is for BD to know who they are but at the same time not have any idea what they are up against. In short, BD will be in for a ton of surprises. There may or may not be neutrals, including a potential NK.

Outright claiming counts, softing is basically making any hints that you’re the Prince.

“I am the Prince.” This counts as it’s a hardclaim, now protection fails on you.
“I jailed MathBlade last night.” This counts as it’s a claim since you’r claiming your action.
“I am the son of the fallen king!” This counts as you’re talking about being the Prince without using the class name.

In short, as long as you don’t imply or mention that you’re the Prince, you’re good. And yes, he will be informed.

Yep, it’ll be both.

Basically, similar to other FoLs except that you need to rely less on mechanics.

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I’ll probs host it in October.

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This is very nitpicky, but isn’t it supposed to be Justiciar instead of Justicar? I don’t think Justicar is an actual word.

Yeah, this was a typo. Going to fix it soon.

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What happens if the Prince says in jail chat “I’ll say melon as my first message of the next day”?
Or if someone manages to deduce who the Prince is by means of typing?

This would be a claim if they did say melon as the first message of the next day. If the intent of the message is to out yourself as the Prince, then yeah, that counts as a claim.

This isn’t claiming but more deduction. Claiming needs to be done on the Prince’s part.

What if the Prince doesn’t deny it or agree with people suspecting them as the Prince?

What if I claim d1 Power Role. That’s not exactly outing as Prince.

What if someone else says everyone Who isnt prince say F would not saying F count as claim

What if I say that my jailee is X class type or something faking an invest check on him and the jailee says that I should be protected.

I have a feeling debating this is pointless. I’m pretty sure Alice will be able to tell if the Prince is hinting at their class. Have some faith.

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Simple step if ur worried about claiming in any way, just dont. Just dont speak about ur role at all. Just social deduction thats it

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