[SFoL] SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2:Electric Boogaloo (18/18)


Hoes Mad indeed

18 hours?
Or how about d1 lynch with 48 hours


we can have a new host
that’s amazing

I just hate 24 hour d1 when I can’t yeet people

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add d0 lynch

That’s Bastard

I didn’t put it on my sheet but I’m pro-D1 lynch

how about after every cycle the night increases by 48 hours and we see how many people forget this after the first 2 days

d0/n0 vig

I asked for post restrictions

Fun times for all

you have to say Hjasik is the greatest player every post or modkill

Hja is an alright player


yes to conversion no to multiball


now I kind of want to resubmit

@Ami how much time we have

also this is ultimate pick but we cant pick classes

You pick name, i pick abilites

Until Saturday night