[SFoL] SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2:Electric Boogaloo (18/18)

Thank you for proving Luxy’s point


Cease this discussion its already becoming political

No this is just me in general.

also i am left-leaning, so it wouldnt actually mean much coming from me.

(but i guess im not allowed to say that)

It’s not an orange colored message and therefore not offical



maybe that’s just the way you react to it but i’m sure some of the vets here could

stereotyping things you haven’t experienced is a meh

I know Marshal is probably being ironic but still

o x y g e n

You act like this place is the only place i’ve EVER been on the internet :man_facepalming:

have this community been on your parts of the internet?

Orange colouring is for warnings, not tell people to stop

are people in Australia acting like Americans?

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Its not as bad as American politics, but its still very polarised, especially over climate.

My point is you are judging a community after other communities

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We literally have a poltics channel in fol discord

My point is this discussion is already over

guys pls stop this is my baby dotbruin it

which is unofficial

im saying that i wasn’t sure how much experience you’ve had and i feel like a civil discussion could be possible if people don’t overreact or try to force their opinions on others

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

i should make a PM with the entire forum minus luxy that is about polotics


Now Cease