[SFoL] SFoL 54: Ultimate Pick 2:Electric Boogaloo (18/18)

this includes nk/ne right

still a lot of scum i think

/in tho

Wait is there no limitation

all the fine print is decided by the players and rnjesus





I think there will be a big gun blackmarket (which is bad) but that the average citizen won’t have a gun (which is good)

anyway no politicz talk on the forum uwu


Can we have a thread dedicated to politics in which that’s the only place politics is allowed?


What politics do you want to talk about

There is no political discussion on these forums

You are correct

There also wasn’t any cell phones in the 1200’s but that got changed


And there will be NONE

Well technically we don’t need to convince you we just need to convince Xblade

I will ban you before you can discuss politics

Luxy was demoted for abusing his mod powers and banning someone who didn’t break a rule!

Lets be honest allowing politics will descend these forums into a cesspit of ‘if you lean right you’re a nazi and if you lean left you’re a filthy commie.’

There is no point.


politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politics


is that really what ppl think? can’t we just like respect each other for differing opinions without trying to convince them that your side is right

very fair but I’m the embodiment of chaos so I think we should allow poltics