[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

I mean, technically correct

I’m really out of the thinking mode rn so I can’t give reads XD
Also will be out most of the day so rip XD

Wait wait Marshal couldn’t have been occupied?

Guess I might aswell claim because that contradicts my logs.

D1: Little Birds | Marshal | Left home.
N1: Window Peek | Vulguard | No visitors.

It’s impossible for marshal to be occupied n1.

Well you just let me hard out not like it matters anyway

Marshal implied that they did indeed check someone N1, as evidence of them withholding this information.

But they claimed occupied n1 According to shurian

I watched vulguard because he seemed like a big attack target.

Fyi sorry for acting like a big baby man, I got very emotional because I was annoyed with people reading me based off meta and crap. I was emotional at the time I honestly don’t care if people thought it was Appealing to emotion.

Personally I want to mentally just give up or replace out but if I replaced out I’d be giving someone a cursed slot, if I gave up without at least trying I’d not want to play again.

Honestly I just got to take things sometimes I’m going to be lynched based off dumb reasoning like me not contributing, when Infact I have towards derp yesterday and was planning to do more today but people consider me sleeping not contributing.

And heck as much as people can disagree with me defending myself is contributing of course I didn’t want to only do that but I’m sorry If I’m pre-occupied by discussion currently. Aslong as I’m not auto lynch in the first 24 hours I’ll provide as much reads I can before I get lynched.

Can you give me a quote from them?

you quoted something from it ¬_¬


confused for a good reason

When was Marshal ever claimed to be occupied?

Did the butler claim to occupy marshal or we just assuming things at this point

No, I didn’t. Either We have a mystical butler and a lying maid, or a Lying player and a maid.

@Marshal Where you occupied last night answer this honestly

I believe you jake.

we might have double butler, or marshal is assassin/nk assuming they got occupied while hitting a immune or a protect

If I was lying, then you would know as they left their room

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Well yeah unless you where fake butler but that wouldn’t explain marshal “claiming” occupied.

Either way, Marshal probably isn’t the EKil we’re looking for

I don’t know I think Shurian likely just misunderstood marshal.

of course he could of claimed occupied.