[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Okay, feel deathtunneled for the rest of the match

Hey Priestess top tier question for ya. Do you accept?

King really isn’t that important for me

Yes I do.

It’s just a double voter that can protect it’s not super powerful.

What’s your favorite flavor of Capri Sun?

You lost nothing by giving a Butler the chance to hit the shiny button rather than wasting a lynch

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… uh if that’s not off-topic, I claim orange.

I would like to note how I get bad vibes from Arete because they hardclaimed Cowardly King and not BD King.

You might think that’s stupid, but there would be no good reason for a BD King to claim Cowardly in my opinion, so Arete has basically hardclaimed non-BD King.

And there’s the fact they claimed we can’t lynch them without losing King elections, as if putting up a deterrent and forcing us to poison. Basically there’s a lot of self-preservation there. Arete might be telling the truth, but keeping them alive might be detrimental as soon as they have the kingmaker vote (which is likely to happen, let’s be honest).

TL;DR Bad vibes from Arete

/vote Arete if allowed

Not off topic at all just seeing ur reactions

Yep. I am literally the class that has to survive to win.

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There is no D1 Lynch. I will not say this again.

Day ends 2019-10-18T15:00:00Z

“too dumb to be not town”

And no, I’m not GK, if I were GK I’d have claimed GK.

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What would u have claimed for EK or PK

You can look through the feedback thread to see that that used to be a thing.

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Priestess, heck off and stop being mean

EK I’d have claimed GK

I was trying to figure out before the game rolled if it would be throwing to openclaim PK and promise to be a guiltless vig for a few nights so what I did there would have depended on Wazza’s answer

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I’m just throwing it out there I kinda beleive Arete is PK atm