[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Because I don’t see them fitting on a scumteam with Marshal and are scummy.

If anything I could see DatBird being converted, like I said before.

I think his D1 was towny.

Also, I’m finally back home, so I can do some analysis…
…except I agree with the thread consensus so I’m not sure if there’s a point.


^ all town. Tele I’m still slightly paranoid about but I’m still going to call her town for the time being.


^ neuts on BD’s leash. Arete can still be evil but that’s why they have to be leashed. BlueStorm is probably going to kill someone if we let him, it’s kind of an oof that he’s probably not going to fulfill his win condition.


^ probably all evil. Marshal is 100% since he’s lolcatting and openwolfing. Priestess looks terrible by association (I know I said this before but this time I’m associating with actual scum so it has more credibility). Luxy/Shurian have looked terrible independently.


Actual ‘what the hell’ slots in the case of Jake/Derps and ‘hmmm’ slot in the case of Squid. I think Priestess pushing on Squid spews her as town but that’s only if Priestess isn’t BD. I don’t want to misclear Squid based on a preflip no matter my confidence in it.

And finally:


I think either would make a decent convert. I’m getting neut vibes from PKR for some reason so I think DatBird is more likely. If there’s anyone else who could be converted it’d have to be me (and I know I’m not converted), Solic (who was likely protected and hasn’t changed a bit), maybe Tele (but that idea doesn’t seem to fit). That said, let’s keep in mind that Marshal claimed occupied. If he’s Mastermind, that means there is no convert. We probably have to flip him before we start seriously searching for a convert.

Kyo can’t be converted, Magnus is a bad target because of his class, and I don’t think they would convert Soul. It’s better not to convert people you can mislynch and people have been suspecting him a fair bit.

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Jake/Derps/Squid are all possible but I don’t think scum would go for them. It’d make much more sense to go for someone within the towncore. I actually think Marshal might have gone for me based on the fact he claimed to have targeted me. If so, we’re golden because I can confirm it failed (from my perspective lol). + we have an occupation on Marshal, don’t we. I’m actually still a little confused about that because I don’t think anybody has claimed the occ (and judging by the current claims it could only be Jake, right? If he does claim the occ, he’s lock clear unless converted.)

Alright, I’m caught up.

We kill Marshal here (obviously), if he flips MM I’m going to be very sus of Priestess particularly with the ‘she flirted me S/I’ think and Derps should HH Priestess in that circumstance. I don’t believe his neut claim for the reasons Soul has already discussed + the fact that he’s started openwolfing at the moment; if you all want me to use my Decide Fate now (as in once he goes on trial) I can do that.

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I honestly think Deciding Fate is not a bad idea.
I just have to ask Wazza about something first.

Please use it aslong as you don’t use it too quickly and let us use as much time as we can (of course making sure you are active before EOD so you can slam).

I would gladly let arete slam me :smirk:

But in reality i don’t care as long as “everybody hurts” is played at my execution

Mastermind is occ immune. Searching for starting scum over converts is always the preferred method to me anyways or you start slashing in your townreads too early.

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I’ve actually never played with trials before so I don’t know how it works/what the time limit is for using it; I figure I’ll basically let you guys call the shots in that regard.

Are all Mastermind versions occ immune? I’m curious about that.

IIRC Decide Fate works by giving time for the King to make a decision at the end of a trial if they want to overturn it, but who knows how Wazza is going to handle it.

if this isn’t posted before my execution i cri


A lot are. Prepare for the worst.

This will my first time being executed.

my body is ready

Yup, then I think we should be looking for converts once both starting scum flip.
It’d be perfect if we lynched the new Mastermind tomorrow.

Hey Marshal, are you a Mastermind variant that causes Unseen to get promoted if you die in the first three days, or one that causes the starting Assassin to get promoted if you die, or something else?

I am the type that kills all BD upon execution