[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Tele is NK dying to Bleed?

Fuck this
I’m Hunter, and I’m fucking bearing tonight, don’t even try ruthlessing me

She dies to bleed N4, not N3.

Yeah, I was joking about being the NK. Now that Shuri says it I’ll admit to it. I’m the Heathen Archer, I die to bleed anyway rip

Iirc if one tried to ruthless a hunter they die too and they can’t live to win game.

So dont try

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presses X to doubt

DW Shuri I’m using Eagle shot on Blue tonight and if he dies on the same night he doesn’t win

Neuts out heh

/vote Kyo
I think this is the better option

I see a fuccing liar :eyes:
Why didn’t you counterclaim sooner, bucko?

Because he was protecting my claim. I’m the Heathen Archer. Look at my ISO

Still, he claims to be Hunter even though I’m actually Hunter with actual proof. I don’t know why he would want to cover you if he’s scum, but then again, I can’t read his mind

There can be two hunters no? Or is it the version where there’s only one

It’s pretty obvious that he’s just trying to avoid Blue shooting him.

I hard claim throwing heathen archer tbh

I have a shield next to the name, so I’m 100% unique

I agree.

Then Shuri is the NK

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Didn’t you claim Mastermind?

Tele is outed NK
Dat is outed N1 convert
Kyo is semi-outed Mastermind

Tele is bleeding

Then we do this;
Lynch Kyo
Jail Tele
Lynch Dat tomorrow