[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)


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Defend yourself, so that we can execute you.

We can actually deduce which kills came from which person.

Priestess was executed (see logs)
Derps was Blue’d (Blue claimed it)
Jake was Tele’d (Tele claimed it)
Vulgard was Squid’ed (only remaining kill, and presumably Unseen killed someone.)

Squid was Shurian’d (Shu claimed it)
Soul was Squid’ed (if it had been Tele, Soul’s logs would have been destroyed)
PKR was Tele’d (by process of elimination)

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Also lul at Priestess fearing I’d be neutsout here, when I’m myself a neut. :smiley:


I mean, you were arguing that we should kill me on D2

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Technically BD but not BD, but yes

I never voted you though. :stuck_out_tongue:

What I actually want to know is why Unseen didn’t kill anyone N1 (since we know why Tele didn’t). It makes sense with the Blue-as-new-MM theory, but that doesn’t explain … anything … about Dat, and Dat kind of has to be MM at this point.

Well, no, because I promised to be your Merc :upside_down_face:

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Jake coulda occupied Dat

Jake claimed he no-actioned N1.

What is that, 3000 iq tactics? Like me “scumslipping” in arsonist??

He only had two total occs.

His classcard is actually really funny, he has two occs but unlimited poisons, except he suicides if he poisons a neut king. Which is good for me, but terrible class design.

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First Butler LOL
Back in the day… oh wait I wasnt around then LOL

I’m still a little sad that Sheriff-that-converts-people-into-Knights didn’t roll.

Oh god I’ll ask to be converted if I fucked up my shot LOL

I’m really thinking Blue is Fool here.

But then again I thought Marshal was fool too :man_shrugging:

In b4 Tele is Fool and covering for Blue
But I don’t see that happening. XD