[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Simple fixes to that my friend

I like the flavor wincondition as well.
Why don’t we have flavor wincons for all neutral killers?

Because consistency

I think

A better idea

Would have been make sure the person rolls the setup first and then the reviewer keeps VETOING the roll until it’s balanced

Next Game Rolelist:

King (50% Good, 20% Evil/Devout, 15% Random Neutral, 15% Psychopathic)
Mastermind/Cult Leader
Random Unseen Killer/Random Cult
Random Unseen/Random Cult
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon
Random Blue Dragon / Random Neutral Non-Killer
Random Neutral Non-Killer
Neutral Killer If Psychopathic King rolls, this slot will be changed to Any.

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‘Ensure you cast catastrophic curses upon the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and anyone else who opposes you.’ - New Sorc wincon when?

[REDACTED] is going to be a class specifically designed for this setup. unfinished of course
We’re increasing the player cap to 18

she was like the n0 greencheck so thats why we did it

50% is still awful

rolling king is a death sentence I’m surprised no one lynched the king

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Not really m8 a lot better the 20

The ANY is what has me hype

I think the ‘guaranteed’ aspect needs clarified Geyde. And the unique part.
Other than that no problems.

That’s part of the hilarity


nah it’s arlight if this game is any indicator

Give king 0 chance of being Bd

There is no point trying to balance a setup that has all classes previously changed for a reason.
They’re literally intentionally adding broken classes.

Yeah, the fact that you were rolled from a time when Sheriff was guaranteed did not mean that there would definitely be a guaranteed sheriff in the set-up per the OP.

Back in the day, PoisonedSquid complained she always got converted or was starting scum

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