[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

But theres up to sfol 58, maybe even more, queued

Add me pretty please. :slight_smile:

(To scumchat I mean)

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The other games in queue aren’t finished yet with the reviewing process afaik

ahhh ok, do we bump up their sfol number lol

Huh true.

…not that I would be able to join any games for checks calendar the rest of academic year.

You are literally hosting 2 different games. Stop it.

Me sorry? Your point?

I’m not hosting any games apart from this one?

I’m pretty sure my game is basically done. Vul and I put an immense amount of work into it and I’m not sure how much more it can be balanced, if at all. Luxy told me I have to wait until December, which is fine, but I would prefer to host as soon as possible (sidenote: would be awesome to be able to around my birthday or before).

My point is, @Wazza , Luxy is right. I don’t believe it’s allowed to just jump the queue for SFoL’s even if yours is done. There is always a decent line for SFoL’s and you don’t have the rights to the SFoL 56 through 60 slots, although if you queue now you can have 61.

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though in all honesty it sounds like this is a dispute that needs to be handled between eevee and Luxy.

I just don’t think it’s fair for someone to be able to jump the whole SFoL queue when Old Ruins 2 was never in the queue.

If my setup is complete and fully balanced (which I believe it to be), I should have priority over Old Ruins 2. Any one of the five slots that own SFoL’s 56 through 60 should have priority if their games are done.

i didn’t spend almost all of last week perfecting my setup with vul for no reason . . .

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Hey, I see :eyes: I’m not sure about that stuff myself, that’s not part of my area
@Luxy @eevee

it’s annoying me how you guys are acting like I’m the one who is doing this when I’m not the one who approved it. I literally just said to Eevee: “When you get online, can we discuss about hosting Old Ruins FoL 2 and my prize for the event”. Still haven’t even been talked to about the prize and shit.

Shhh calm down, my friend, I don’t think anyone’s blaming you
Get yourself a nice prize :eyes: I’m envy you so hard, there’s quite some stuff I’d love to have

@Wazza you cannot host it until it reaches its turn in the queue this is not fair to Maxwell

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It’s not like I can really host it anyway next week. Funnily enough shit came up. @Maxwell pre-in me for your game my dude.

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Someone should make a Light Vs Dark themed fm.