[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

It would be optimal regardless to do that to a neutral king. :roll_eyes:

Sorry Arete

He’s trying to get Arete on his side by making a threat like that.

I don’t have redirect immunity, and I only have 2 occs.

1st incarnation baby!

Wait let me check something

Waittt! This is old Butler that would still notify King? :thinking:

also @Solic if your neut claim was actually true and not an FPS can I request that you contract someone else on team Lynch Arete as since I’m basically your Merc this will boost both of our chances of survival

Well if I don’t die and it is a Neutral king, I die anyway.

Can some1 quote it.

I’m otf


brilliant class design 10/10

I’m your Merc, stop trying to get me killed :upside_down_face:

The Butler

Blue Dragon Offensive
Dutiful (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player at night - 2 Uses
Poison Wine (Night) - Poison the King’s wine, the King will die, if he is Blue Dragon or Neutral, you will also die
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, The Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Servant or The Invoker

Cult points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1

Cult Alts:
(Poison Wine): Toxic Wine (Night) - pour a lethal amount of cyanide in the King’s wine, the King will die from cyanide poisoning, if he is Cult or Neutral, you will commit suicide from Mithras anger the next night.

First edition Butler

Old FoL were idiots. And New FoL are also idiots.

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Can I vote that we don’t have Jake poison me to confirm himself

he’s a variant that suicides so it’s in his own interest not to

If you’re PK, I might suicide as you would still be Neutral.

I’m just saying that I don’t buy his claim anyways, so you’d have nothing to worry about.

sidenote: whose brilliant idea was it to make a king who’s allowed to side evils but still triggers a suicide

I don’t think PK existed back then so I don’t know how that interacts

Well, it seems likely that Jake is telling the truth then tbh. In retrospect, in CoC when Derps was caught as cult he just admitted to it and lolcatted. He is more defeatist as scum in his meta than he is playing here if he was actually scum


Have you ever done this in a town game?

No. Then again I’ve never softed in a town game, either.