[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Anyway, dont even know if that’s real or not. All I know is whoever claimed Inquis is either really mad town or not town. And I lean strongly towards non-town.

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Exactly. They probably wouldn’t, which increases the chance of the neut claim actually being NK or main factional scum

Blue is literally modspewed by pointing out the error in the OP. They are either the Moon Spirit in which case (wtfInquisclaimyeahsure) or are just plainly Inquis.

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You know, I got questions. Imma save it for when I wake up.
Ewwirgh >_>

Why don’t you want to give away who you matched?

Also I got your soft initially, but afterwards I thought it was too vague to be true. Still don’t get why anyone would ever soft for no reason. Like freaking hard claim or don’t. Evils are searching for it way more.

When was this…?


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You even replied to this. :eyes:

I don’t think it spews any sort of class. Could easily be scum doing it on purpose for cred but sure I guess that could be said.

Yea, you know that doesn’t work on MM though.

Are you the Moon Spirit PKR?

Are you disappointing me again Solic?
Don’t give cred so easily.

Try explaining where all kills went.

Oh god. I’m thoroughly dissapointed now yes.

Actually no. Hmm I’m confused.

I was guarded by Arete and probably attacked. There you have an explanation that I’ve already mentioned before. :man_shrugging:

Now are you the Moon Spirit or not?

Arete said multiple times they’d be on you. There’s no way NK and scum faction go for you

What do you think the answer is?

Undecided or I wouldn’t be asking. :roll_eyes:

/vote PKR

This is textbook evading the question to avoid outright lying.