[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

I don’t think we should be lynching outside of me or marshal.

Drunk should HH me if we lynch marshal and he “flips town”, prince jailing me seems like a waste of his ability at that point.

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Prince jailing me just wastes both of our actions when marshal flips scum (from my view) Prince and my watch action are going to be important for tomorrow.

Right. Derps claimed Drunk so that works out too

I’m just saying that I think some MM’s are occupy immune (maybe some nks?) so it’s best to be HH’d but occupation also works just risky.

Yeah makes sense. This is my second unseen game I’ve ever been in I think

Yeah. I have no idea why I thought she did.
Then that comment feels a little performative. Like she’s pretending to contribute but isn’t. It’s a minor part of my case anyway but still scummy to me.

I do think Priestess is someone to look into after Marshal’s lynch because I was SRing her. If anything you know I’m good at choosing the right side on thunder domes :wink: .

Also I’m going to replace out here soon so sorry y’all

I’m slight town leaning priestess personally, I gave a massive reads list, Also look at vulguards he has some decent points aganist priestess.

Oh yeah I did see that, but it was really long so I didn’t read all of it ;;____;; . Makes me more assured that you’re the town though based on the effort

Well I hope you like my arete essay It might be longer then the priestess reads.

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;-; nooooooo
Just kidding go ahead if you have to but I’m sad.

@anon97870008 I’m saying Soul is spewed town if you’re scum because you’ve been hard pushing him for 2 days but didn’t push Marshal at all. That’s also why Marshal looks really bad if you’re scum, you’re trying your best to vote Soul which pushes Marshal away from getting lynched.

The Luxy thing is mostly because nullreads from scum in this game are likely to be on the people who they don’t really want to lynch kill (Neutrals- potential additional lategame votes).

I do want to vote inside the thunderdome eventually, but I feel like some people need pressuring and one of them is you. Also, this is going to sound weird, but you writing a wall post to defend yourself… doesn’t really feel like town!you? This is a really bad inference but maybe I’m not wrong.

Sidenote; People shouldn’t read me as town for putting effort I try to put effort as both factions I’m just determined to make up for giving up eailer.

I’m trying to keep an open mind here but I don’t know if I can read Priestess’ ISO with ‘Priestess town’ in mind. It would mean that she has been reaction testing a lot, which is okay, but she hasn’t really been trying to build upon the reactiontesting. :frowning:

The targets are also quite weird. I would expect her to reactiontest the people who do not have a strong presence in thread unless she really doubts their alignment.

Sadface, the first game where I don’t think we’re on opposite alignments.

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Fair enough. Yeah and don’t townread me for AtE outside of the game either because it’s definitely NAI

Accused Voters Count
Shurian Solic 1/9
Soulshade DatBird, SirDerpsAlot 2/9
Marshal Shurian, Arete :crown:, KyoDaz, Soulshade, Teleology 6/9
Priestess Vulgard 1/9
PoisonedSquid Priestess 1/9

Reminder that Trials exist!

Tele replaces out of the game because she didn’t roll scum and she’s sad.

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Yeah seriously don’t read me because of replacing out, it has nothing to do with the game. It’s just irl stuff

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Notice that Priestess only stopped voting Soul after I wrote a case on her and vote hopped onto someone I was voting before. Again, not Marshal.

This is getting weird at this point.

Trials existing is good for us.

Marshal needs to be pushed at this point so when he comes on he can explain why he didn’t visit vulguard or try to get me pushed in exchange for himself

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