[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Arete is a they

I, myself and Me
He/Him lel.

Also, I pretty much forgot Luxy’s reads after the night in Looming Threat, I’m sure he’s watching O.o
Course will be nervous.

Your worst mistake, sexy lad.


ooof, I’m sorry if I gave Arete gendered pronuns

NP Arete is chill they are just a bit shy about correcting people

I’m confused. You’re nervous, because you think your previous slot is watching your performance?

Not really good with pronuns sorry while I don’t really know what it’s like to be a “they” I can try to be respectful towards others even this is starting to get into politics

Not think
They are.

I think

Well better start making them proud then, because currently I want you jailed/executed.

I did because Solic asked for it :eyes:

Why did you say that Marshal was occupied?

Aww i wanted to slack ecks dee

Seriously tho
Any reasons for SRding me other than Luxy’s posts? I know I’m a 100% not contributing to this discussion yet, but are there any other views you would like to express?

Also: haven’t read in depth, will do so in an hour when I get home.

Well, when I hear Maid, I automatically assumed the first rendition of it, and when I saw “no results” from a Marshal post (somewhere i dunno), it automatically led me to think occupied.

Note that my best impression of maid was when I claimed Maid as Invoker in one of the Triple Threat games.

To further explain, Maid could visit 2 ppl in one go as that version.

eyyy look who it is

Hey there nerds.

I have skimmed and come back to the thread. Let me clarify a few things.

I maid-checked solic. I think i hinted at this in the link @Magnus
I did origiannly saiy i was gonna go for vul, but then decided to swithc to solic because he said he knew what i was but still said to go for the HH on me, especially while i wasn’t there, and at EOD.

Kyo wasn’t on for like the last 12 hours of the link. I probably should have told him, but i did it on mobile at like the last minute.

I believe soulshade here.

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sorry, as much as i would love another thunderdome, this one isn’t legit.

laughs in prince as acolyte

Laughs in mystic as scum killer

I can somewhat believe this but I’m still going to push you for now it does make you look super suspicious.

at least this kinda breaks the thunderdome even if it still makes you massively likely to be a wolf for lying to a mystic.

Actually you’d been pretty screwed if I had decided to flirt you instead

yeah exactly.

BUt it also got me cleared andd kyo executed.