[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

It is susp, but it’s so susp and they felt completely comfortable claiming it immediately. That’s not a scum mindset. Plus I’ve already locktowned him from reading their ISO, so :man_shrugging:

Can we vote someone up again after possibly pardoning? :thinking:

/unvote Let me ask Wazza first.

Also I would like Arete to use up their Decide Fate, so they’re less of a kingmaker.

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So you want Arete to Decide Fate Pardon Marshal?

No, those thought trains are unrelated.

Aslong as we use the Full day

We don’t need to trial marshal until later unless it gives us extra time and we can pardon him

pretty sure that trialing at EoD and then parding = nolynch and that means that the best play is to execute me no matter what .

So i don’t like that.

at that point, it’s execute marshal or no-one, and i don’t think that case ends with me alive.

We pretty much are executing you unless something really interesting happens

i have something interesting up my sleeve but i don’t see a world in which it helps me

or don’t i?

How about you help town and create reads before you die if you’re really town you’ve got to try marshal at least you dying as town and giving reads would help us so much

not half-assed reads some proper reads

yeah okay fuck it.

The Serpent (Unofficial Class)

Neutral Wildcard
Python Hug (Passive) - Your pet python ‘hugs’ anyone who occupies you, making you occupy immune
Venomous (Passive) - You are immune at night
Swapsies (Night) - Secretly swap places with your target - 2 Uses
Your objective is to see your target executed for treason, your target is [x], if you cannot achieve this, you will win if the Blue Dragon falls while you are alive

This is my class. My target is vulgard. I was told i would be considered special for the sake of investigates. I went with the maid claim and was going to thunderdome vul with someone and i would always be S/I to checks.

I thought i could wiggle my way out of this one but i have no hope >:(.

I know this doesn’t help me, but i might as well put this out there and plead for mercy. If blue is to be believed, i am neutral non-killer #2.


My theory is that i was attacked last night and was immune.

I didn’t swapsies lasst night.

I’d focus on this more.

I’m purely anti-vul until he dies.

I thought i was 700IQ with my fake softs but i guess not.

Well vul is hard town for me so lynching you is lynching scum

Also this doesn’t really even confirm your neutral just makes it likely your scum or scum it gives me more reason to lynch you personally