[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

He’s pretty much confirmed Demon at this point, but you’re just flipflopping around like a potato

hunter already used their bleed on Priestess so I’m really confused unless she lied

Because I know he’s lying and I’m pissed off

Accused Voters Count
DatBird Solic, Soulshade, Teleology 3/6
Teleology DatBird 1/6
KyoDaz BlueStorm 1/6

and how do you think i feel about you making up this fake visit to Vul


I believe Dat’s Demon claim I’m just not sure if I believe him or Tele about who he visited.

Why didn’t you kill anyone N1? :eyes:

Squid is Hunter who bled me or what

I’m super pissed

School had me locked down and I totally forgot

Hold up, I didn’t bleed you. Hell, it’s more beneficial to save the bleed so I can bear tonight

I’m trying to figure out how I am bled and I’m super confused. Did you bleed Priestess?

Yes, yes I did

Tinfoil: Solic is actually the neut slot, Dat is N1 convert, Blue is Assassin > MM

I think Dat is real Demon who bled you.

The thing he’s doing right now is like the thing some people do where they write ‘13 is death immune’ in their logs as they get exe’d as NK, which is usually but not always true, hence why I’m trying to sort it out.

It just makes more sense that he was the N1 convert because of the change in his behavior from D1 to D2 but I guess that’s fair. He is still lying about who he visited regardless of whether he’s MS/Assassin/NK. I do feel like his flip would either spew Blue or Kyo as MM though

can you show this?

No u

Or I’d have to reconsider if he’s NK but Kyo would still be on my radar

To be honest even if you are MM it benefits us to wait until tomorrow to kill you (so you don’t get replaced).

Like, unless Solic reeeeeally wants to leash Dat, we’re executing him today.