[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

TFW 2 NK claims

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Nothing worse than people not realizing how well developed your logs are for what you were given and then being presumed to be MM because no one thinks that I could deduce it, it had to be a bus right

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Nothing worse than making a yolo accusation, it turns out to be correct, have a plan for how you can win D5 EZ, and then get bled with no healers so you can’t make it to D5

They were good fake Obs logs to be fair

the thing I didn’t want to say earlier, but am saying now that PKR is outed, is that at SoD2 you were still nullreading PKR, as if your finding that he visited no one didn’t affect your read on him at all, and it took you just slightly longer to figure out that he was the Prince than it should have given the info you supposedly had.

Well, I always send my reads from the night and I don’t update it. Even as town

Why didn’t you kill anyone N1?

…I believe Tele, actually, looking through some things.

I’ve thought about all possibilities. Even if Solic was actually Physician or something, I doubt he would heal me (wouldn’t be a smart move), and even if he did heal me I would have no one that wasn’t mechanically confirmed or neutral to frame the next day


/vote KyoDaz

I used Paranoia. Kills all visitors

So hey Tele, who’d you kill N2?


…That’s not the answer I was expecting at all.

Fuuuh. Now I’m really confused.

Killed him so I could have Arete as an ally later without that risk

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I believe Tele here, in hindsight she was blatantly TMIing the bleed as not coming from an NK

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I definitely was…

I’m confused because her target was not Vulgard.

Hello hello, first she makes fake logs trying to incriminate me and now shes taking my role

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Dat, we did each other wrong and now we both face the consequences