[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Actually Arete, you’re that much of a threat to BD I am looking past the fact it’s apparently convert night and I cannot be converted into a win.

Any BD should have common sense to execute you here.

We have a Prince able to prevent the conversion. Worst case scenario they get a convert off and Teleology doesn’t manage to kill an Unseen. And Prince dies and they can’t get on the throne.
That’s just a shame and luck of the draw.

@Magnus @PoisonedSquid help me secure the death of Arete

If you’re going to lolcat, I think we’d all rather you post cat pictures.

@PokemonKidRyan (if you’re seeing this, Tele the NK already outed you)

  • Kyo is basically confirmed Mastermind
  • Datbird is confirmed N1 convert
  • Tele is confirmed NK

We’re lynching Kyo today, you should jail Datbird so that he can’t get a convert off after being promoted.

Why prince up first tho
And y u letting inquoos eat me? D:

We’ll see if you survive, Shurian.
But you won’t even get the throne if Arete doesn’t die I’m afraid.

We literally can’t not let the Inq kill you, their kill bypasses everything. They were nice enough to out that you were heathen to prevent your mislynch.

Oh shit
Me confoosed

oh also

/re-vote Kyo @Wazza @Geyde

D2 lynch Mastermind
D3 lynch second Mastermind
D4 lynch third Mastermind

gg easy

Do you follow the logic for why the Mastermind mechanically has to be in Kyo/Soul/Solic or should I explain that part again first?

These are all of the points of why Arete should die.
They have an infinite two-vote and can make someone immune to the lynch.
They are a threat.

Our best chance at winning is hanging them and hoping Prince jails the Mastermind to prevent conversion. Teleology dies in the night and we hang Datbird during the day.

This is a gamesolve plan.

We all know the Mastermind is you, Kyo.

Kyo who ya check?

If I’m the mastermind then I can be easily jailed if the Prince also believes you.
Then it’s also a guaranteed BD win.
My plan literally does not benefit anyone except BD.

I checked Teleology and they are not a member of the Unseen.


It’s almost like … you’re the Mastermind … hoping to get a lynch on literally anyone who isn’t you. :thinking:

That’s a quote from the first day.
Circumstances have changed.