[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

I mean, it doesn’t really matter, Kyo’s doing the thing he always does as scum (see: Marson, SFoL 00) where when someone accuses him he starts the stupidest possible push imaginable. Like, there’s not a world here where Kyo flips BD.

If she was bled the whole jail and execution relied on her being Moon Spirit faking the bleed.

Like, if she was BD the jail even denied her bleed being healed.
It was completely unpredictable.

This @PoisonedSquid

Thank you :+1:

Oh, and we have an observer to check if Priestess visits / visits a dead person.
That was also denied via the jail.

And the only Unseen Priestess could have been was Mastermind and the observer could have caught the convert.
Oh my.

Except that you converted Dat N1, not N2 :thinking:

Oh, I completely forgot the convert was N1.
Anyway Priestess still wouldn’t have been able to visit dead BD as Mastermind.

I’ll go explain my thoughts in more detail once I’m done with my shower, but from what I see, I still think Kyo’s the Mastermind. And no, it’s not just because of his scum meta

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I mean, at this point it’s sheer PoE, and we’re choosing from ‘Kyo, who is blatantly in his scum meta,’ ‘Solic, who is obviously town or a merc,’ and ‘Soul, who’s had good Obs logs all game and redchecked the first Mastermind on D2.’

It’s pretty obvious, not going to lie.

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I’m not sure you people realise I try to get people hung no matter if they’re in towncore or not as mafia and town.
That meta will always fail for you all.

If you were town you’d be pushing one of the mechanically possible Mastermind candidates

No I wouldn’t
I’d be pushing on the scumsided King with two votes


Actual question, because it might be important to gamesolving – is Solic your merc?

…which is why I pointed out the thunderdome that caught the Mastermind on D2? :eyes:

You’ve chosen one of the most obviously terrible pushes possible because you are upset about being caught as scum and you think this will somehow get you out of it.

I’m not upset at all, actually. I have done more than most of the town here, getting Marshal lynched even when I had 36 hours of inactivity essentially.
This is just a game to prove that you can’t lynch me based on my scum meta.

Not to my knowledge

If there is one thing that you people should know it’s my town meta is essentially identical to my scum.

We literally just finished a game where I caught you on this basis. You react differently to pressure as town and scum.