[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

pssst, my vote counts double :crown:

He has not (except the semi-meme Merc claim) but it’s not like it’s subtle who the Mastermind is

Tip for the future as scum (applies more to groupscum than to the NK), ignore what you think town!Tele would feel and impose your agenda on reality

it worked for me in LotR, it could work for you :upside_down_face:

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Alright, I’m back. The other reason I believe that Kyo’s lying is because of the way he was talking about Priestess and his supposed read on her. Despite his feelings towards her alignment, he said he kept it quiet because of his scouts and whatnot. However, there were other ways to try to spew your thoughts on her without outing any mechanical info. I feel like Town would try their best to get their points across and explain why, but Kyo just kept his mouth shut and is basically saying “I knew Priestess wasn’t Unseen, but I’m only saying that to make myself look better”

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Well yes I am only saying that to look better because she’s dead.

If you’re somehow town here, convince us it’s Solic and not you.

I don’t want Solic executed.

…even ignoring the thing where I already demonstrated that mathematically wrong, you should want him jailed over you, correct? Which means you need to convince us it’s him and not you.

Yes, I completely ignored that wallpost.
You are out for yourself as you are a neutral.
I do not need consultation from you.

I can confirm Solic isn’t evil, can’t explain how though. Trust me.

:hammer: @KyoDaz last words?

It isn’t hammer.
Trials exist.

He’s your merc? That checks out.

Give us your wisdom as to why Solic cannot be mastermind.

Oof you’re right.


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/Vote KyoDaz
@Wazza @Geyde Trial


Trial start on Kyo. Up to 24 hours to defend, then people may vote execute or pardon.


Can we just end my defense here?
I’ve already stated all points and town is too ignorant to see why I am town.

/end defense

Is this a yes? It kind of seems like a yes.