[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Hi, that’s the smartest thing you’ve done all day

I was hundred percent sure I was fucking dead


Why did you not kill Shurian last night?

Pkr… this game… what were you smoking >_>

Anyways assuming Blue is telling the truth he should be able to shoot Shurian tonight, which will still occur since Tele is alive and thereby prolonging the game

I’m assuming Solic has at least one use of protection on Magnus, seeing as otherwise Tele could then simultaneously kill Magnus, which would turn this game into a wipeout draw + 2/3 neut victory

Logs of the Durian

I’m so disappointed by mechanical PoE. Mechanical PoE is done by preflipping, and means jackshit. Here’s what I’ve gathered.

Solic -> Magnus’s Merc?
Blue -> LolFool
Magnus -> Mystic
Teleology -> NK???
DatBird -> MM???
Soulshade55r -> Observer (?)
Arete -> Kang on a Spree

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Also, you forgot the existence of 2for1 in this game. That’ll prolly explain the fourth death.

Unless I’m missing something?

@Soulshade55r please out your results

Soul’s dead


Dum dum me

Magnus, link me tonight.

I was thinking it was a lost cause for town, but apparently not.

@Arete, I need your assurance that you’ll help Magnus here.

Side with Maggie tmr :3
Also, Lol Blue

I mean, Solic is contracted to Magnus, and Solic played this game really well.

/vote DatBirb

  1. Arete :crown:
  2. Magnus - Mystic
  3. Solic - Merc contracted to Magnus
  4. Luxy -> Shurian - Archer
  5. BlueStorm - Inq claim
  6. Maxwell -> DatBird - probably Mastermind, confirmed to be scum
  7. Teleology - NK

If I’m right about every role on that list:

  • Vote out Datbird today (requires 4 votes, we have minimum 6)
  • Blue stabs Shurian
  • Tele does whatever
  • Tele dies to bleed
  • Solic protects Magnus
  • I guard myself

Then Tele dies overnight, which means that me/Magnus/Solic/Blue are the sole survivors

Also I’m eating my hat because Squid turned out Ass instead of MM

If Tele turns out not to die to bleed it’s going to be a really tough choice, not going to lie.

I’ll really need your assurance here >_>
Solic played better than Tele here, and Magnus actually finally made sense :slight_smile: