[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

The point of this would be to semi-confirm you, which is why another player would be necessary.

This is not a hard tunnel.

Do you disagree with anything I said in there?

Asking him what his plan was behind the test is what we needed to see in order to clear them.

I have feedback

That’s what I pointed out originally too, but I think it’s more likely that Jake just derped with saying town instead of scum tbh

Anyways Marshal is scum

Yeah I’ve done that often.

I’m just slip hungry

Actually look at it even more deeply.

What Luxy did, in order.

  1. Enters thread.
  2. Indirectly declares that Jake/Derps are lockscum and makes night action plans around that already.
  3. Starts finding reasons while they are scum. After already believing they are lockscum.
  4. I say he didn’t even bother to evaluate the situation.
  1. Luxy evaluates the situation.
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I think I’m tired and might be remembering wrong

TBH I think Luxy was being reasonable with his inquisitions in that situation. I was thinking the same thing as him really

In any case, I’m siding BD, if I seem to instead be not doing that Jake can if real poison me at that juncture. It’s obviously better to wait rather than doing it preemptively because Jake will suicide on me if he’s telling the truth.

This isn’t sfol53 anymore.

It’s not that I disagree with Luxy, it’s that he approached this all wrong and yet he still pushed the idea pretty hard. It feels like he went in reverse, conclusion before evaluation.

And it pings me. Not lock scum by any means, obviously, it’s just strange to me.

I’m honestly not going to object to Arete being poisoned, even if it means possibly having Jake suicide if he’s butler.

Because after what happened in Looming Threat I was looking forward to actually being able to do something this game and I come in thread and apparently everyone is telling Jake and Derps to concede and I was upset

Who was I lockscumming earlier I forget

I did the same thing. Does that make Luxy and I both scum? Why are you only placing suspicion on him? The way he reacted is similar to the way I reacted and the mindset comes from town unless it’s faked

It might have been me.

Half the coury was lockscummkng me.

I go away for an hour or two and people are massclaiming?! When will you learn that your actions have consequences?