[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

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Not unless hosts say so, and im pretty sure they didn’t

Anyway, going back to reads: scumreads depend a lot on whether the Derps/Jake thing was actually a scumslip or whether it was a terrible reaction test; I’d basically like to resolve that as soon as possible. If it’s not Derps/Jake then Priestess slipping that it was an Unseen game is a pretty bad look for her. Unfortunately Jake is basically holding a gun to my head so I don’t know how much more I want to elaborate here.

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So like im conflicted on this, it was really weird and for no reason, but thats like Priestesses whole thing. So either she is guessing, and is right by Kyo and Blues reveals, shes scum who TMI’ed, or she simply is another sheriff who slipped. Im feeling genuinly its the first one atm.

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I think Kyo claimed to be a Unique sheriff but I don’t know if that would prevent other sheriffs from spawning, assuming he’s telling the truth.

I’m partially going based off of her defense here, to be honest, as her immediate response was to say she’d never done it as scum, which is objectively false.

nah i think the rules of 3 of the same class can spawn, prob are still in effect, prob different sheriffs but i think more can spawn

I could be misremembering but I think he said his variant came with the unique symbol and I don’t know how Wazza is ruling that.

:man_shrugging: idk then

Also I just reread the part where Priestess maybe scumslipped and it’s not as bad as I thought, I’d remembered it as her just casually using Unseen to refer to the enemy faction but in the post she says:

which is weirdly less of a scumslip because it doesn’t show a slip in perspective.

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can I just say that typing these up on mobile is really annoying

I’m on mobile always

so much truth :wink:

Not a joke, not forced. Just frustrated.

I had 3 scum games afaik SFoL Abyss II, FoL 20, and the recent EFoL where I was EK.

I really feel like this, tho :eyes: as long as there is a possibility to win together with a neut, I’ll try to keep them alive, even by hardrisking my own win con. Each and every single game. It’s kinda riddiculous, but I’ve won more games through this than I lost, so I kinda not see this as gamethrowing.

Holy shit, a CSing Knight who gets redirected to themselves would CS themselves, since they won’t stop. That is… yeah… strange.

Who the hell made up Sheriff converting people to Knights? lmfao.
That has never happened.

It used to be a thing in ToL, before my time.

I don’t remember that?

So, I’m gonna stop talking about myself, I just felt like a few clarifications would be good.

Wtf when?

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I’m a beta tester or whatever and don’t remember that. Ever.