[SFoL] SFoL 55: Old Ruins FoL - Completed (3/16)

Okay, so.
If any protectives have nowhere better to be…
Get on me please.

activates claimvig
Sir Kyo, would you like to confess?

I haven’t done that at all here…? :thinking:

Kyo, I don’t think you will be attacked tonight. You are safe.

It’s not possible to do that, BUT I feel the overall tone is similar towards that moment

I’m 100% the newest version of a class.
I see it on the classlist.

So you’re scumreading me based on tone?

:spiral_notepad: :notes: :musical_note:

It’s kind of ironic that this game you refuse to interact with me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I just don’t want to slip as your scumpartner, my love.

Don’t worry they’ll TSTBS clear you for sure, so just tell me what you think about Tele.

Also we’re definitely not hanging Arete btw.


At least for now. That’s one of my more confident methods :confused:

I need to see if you acted the same way during one of the Golden Dragon matches. You know the one I’m talking about

Get back to me after you’ve done that.

“kyO WhY Do YoU haVE tMI On KinG?!?”

too scum to be scum?
I’m disappointed.

I’m also dissapointed that you’re dragging this out so much. :thinking:

Arete claimed cowardly king.
They’re BD King or Psychopathic King.
Both with no reason to hang.

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I’m disappointed that you are Unseen. Like… for real. Cult would have been cool. But unseen?

Does not compute.