[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

…I feel as if I am the only one not knowing who the Duke is. …unless you meant Kyo.

Wait. I just realized. Valiant Strike bypasses all defense and protection. Wouldn’t that mean that your passive was negated as well?

Yeah, uh… two problems: Heroine’s Promotion Passive Ability and Visionary’s Avenge Day Ability.

I am assuming there are still a Heroine and a Visionary in the game. 2 / 15 players is still going to be a tough search.

No… Ugh… He didn’t heal Squid… He… eevee got redirected to me.

@eevee, this is a BS defense claim and you know it. ESPECIALLY when it comes to ME! :man_facepalming:

Okay… elaborate why Kyo said they can blackmail you.

I thought we had 15. …wait, Jgoes was lynched, so it is indeed 14.
What do you mean by 2v11v1 though? NK (Ici) died, right?

My assumption: He was busy IRL.

Guess which Killing Role had the ability to redirect someone to himself and then kill the target?

Guess which fool wanted to clear eevee to be an insurgent, hoping that he would live through N2?


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@Maxwell, stop. Ask @Luxy or @eevee first.

GAH. Damnit.

There has been a moderror and I must now flip someone who should have died at SoD3.

Marshal has been found dead! He was . . .

The Enforcer

Unseen Killer
Armored (Passive) - Your first successful use of Protect will not kill you.
Protect (Night) - Protect a player, giving your life to kill their attackers. - Infinite Uses
Cold Steel (Night) - Kill a target player. If they are a member of the Unseen, you will die. - Unlimited uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Marshal had the following logs on a piece of parchment on his person that the court was able to discern:

Marshal | N-Forcer

N1] Cold Steel SirDerpsAlot
N2] Defend PoisionedSquid

Please do the world a favor and rid it of kyodaz, if duke hasn’t already. If you are reading this, im probably caling him a dingus in deadchat anyways. If not, doesn’t matter, just… stop him.

also my secret way of reading luxy makes me think he is a host.

also if squid and I are both dead, i’m almost certian jgoesgaming used his call to arms on me. Take that as you will.

Day 3 continues as normal.

All of you are WRONG.
I attempted to shoot Shurian and got redirected.
I hardclaim Arbalest.

…fuck. Damnit. Me and my stupid mouth…


Hold on… PKR killed Marsh and Squid, and Marsh killed PKR. I killed eevee, so that leaves us with… Ici? You were redirected to Ici?

No idea. Suppose so.

I think Shurian is Visionary.

Well… at least NK is down, so that’s one less kill for the night. As for me… I can’t even kill anymore. …what a waste of my ability.

What are you zone?

Eh. I dunno. Haven’t read much from Shurian, so you might be right.

Comes on.
Me Visionary

