[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

If he was converted, who protected Shurian from Kyo attempting to kill him?

okay Iā€™ve been really busy so heres me catching up like 800 posts in record time

if Kyo is Visionary then there is no convert or itā€™s Shurian

If Shurian is BD then Kyo is the Visionary; in which I donā€™t think his words matter much here

Neither of us saw a Kyo visit n1 so itā€™s not impossible that the N2 visit I saw was the convert

That is what I am for, yes

Itā€™s very unlikely Kyo is the N2 convert

If Kyo is visionary then the convert literally has to be me or Shurian

Yeah so Iā€™ve totally been busy with thanksgiving or something, I can barely even respond right now but I spent a lot of yesterday cooking and a lot of today being with my family, my bad Iā€™ll tell my family to not exist real quick

lol, that sounds awful

Okay, so we got Kyo as a potential Visi. (I forgot whether there was a counterargument for this or not.)
Then we have the possibility that Shurian was a role which gave him DI. ā€¦for example, a certain N-Forcer?

Truth be told my plan was to use my day ability on Wazza because I donā€™t believe either handmaiden is real

the ToL player in me says that maids are fake

Yeah. My bad, but I was really getting frustrated. Still kinda am.

And for whatever reason, if there was enforcer on him, how did this not kill Kyo??

However one thing we can agree: D2 death immunity potion proves he couldnā€™t be killed by Kyo and he have most likely prevent visits to Wazza that night.

Yeah Iā€™m not gonna lie that kinda frustrated me to read but I forget that Thanksgiving isnā€™t as big outside of the americas; youā€™re forgiven

Do we have any protective claims alive?

They would be confirmed once they would flip dead upon being attackedā€¦

That canā€™t find Visionary anyways.

Orā€¦ shockerā€¦ they lied

Because we have the time to ensure that neutrals donā€™t mess with anything. Getting them out now while we can and not later when we canā€™t afford the lynch .Thatā€™s the worst case, where they would actually be neuts, which isnā€™t guaranteed either. If there is some other NE out there, they would surely stay quiet now if a BD would take their claim.

Plus they are the only ones that can fuck up the nightplan confirming literally 5 players as non-BD.

Yes, letā€™s trust the neutral claim who is literally incentivized to have the game last longer if they are actually what they are claimingā€¦ like seriously.

Also in the original plan, Sir was supposed to be jail exed. Of course, they would pull out whatever stops they can to prevent that from happening if they would be neut or BD!


Except not, because this makes zero sense from a Strigoi mindset. Youā€™d lose in that case.

Isaac, the pro, the voice of reason lol.

I love you Isaac.

In the original nightplan. Wazza gets killed by Kyo. How is that not perfect? This is why neut claims need to die. They just sow doubt and confusion, with them out, itā€™s so much easier to gamesolve.

Derps was about to be jailed/executed and suddenly misread his logs :eyes: If they are some kind of scumsided neutral, ā€¦ they can lie.

Thatā€™s false and youā€™re lying I didnā€™t suddenly misread my logs lmao go fucking read

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That doesnā€™t explain how they did not die by Kyo, you know?

I know, get reflected.

Or you know, lynch KyoDaz and game over for the bad guys. But, letā€™s go lynch Wazza instead : D

But Waz is confirmed scum

They could have gotten converted by Kyoā€¦ Kyo is not a confirmed Arbalest.

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Like this is so disheartening, youā€™d rather go along with a literal claimed scum-sided neutral. ^^


Why are you ever lynching Wazza first here.

I cant win at this point and scum have played so bad they deserve to lose so

Because their confirmed fucking scum

Or youā€™re not a gamethrower. :man_shrugging:

Yes thatā€™s true, although I donā€™t understand why lynching Shurian WOULD prove it as itā€™s not clear to you that you should lynch Kyo instead, the one converted Shurian.

Kill the converter, Shurian becomes the converter that canā€™t convert until N5 and is not investigative immune.