[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

I legit physically am unable to win anymore

Props to you for making it convincing enoughā€¦ apparently.

Itā€™s convincing because itā€™s true you idiot


I didnā€™t even fucking bring it up someone asked my logs I gave logs

so why are you scared of being jailed

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Because Iā€™m not getting out of it so I canā€™t fucking win

By you.

You do have incentive to lie here, but it really doesnā€™t hurt to hang Wazza first and Jail SDA anyway. Put the CS on Shurian; we can be logical AND be neuts out.

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Anyways next time I roll neut Iā€™m replacing out

That would be even more incentive of you to backstab us, spite. Even more reason to not trust them on Wazza tbh.

you kinda played bad too

Strategically replacing out is against forum rules.

Neutral is my favorite role; just play it like scum, though. Donā€™t play it like youā€™re town.

Why donā€™t we put the CS on Wazza?

We canā€™t 100% confirm 5 people if we donā€™t get rid of Shuri+Sir with lynch/jail exe.

But itā€™s solid and hard facts -_-

But enough of Shurian, the real treat here is Wazza, there is possibility that Shurian is in fact BD aligned Alchemist that used their thing to prevent anything except Killing and Converting?

Also send Kyo to attack Shurian, they fail, they get lynched, easy, problem solved.

Wazza ends game; a neutral hang doesnā€™t. At least gives the neutrals a chance.

Anyways Iā€™m logging out Iā€™ll be back sometimes next week

If the claimed scum-sided neutral who would be gamethrowing to go along with this truthfully gave us that result, the game would end.

I know what Iā€™m betting on.

Stringoi can win with town.