[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]


and confirmed as of last night


I posted it like 10 times.


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Doesnā€™t matter.

You were obvious BD kill

I canā€™t find it, can you quote it for me?

So Katze is in fact in same page as me.


Solic is confirmed as of last night
Iā€™m confirmed as of last night
Isaac is confirmed as of yesterday and therefore as of last night (canā€™t be W/W with Frost because Frost was seen visiting Solic)
Katze is confirmed as of last night (could technically have converted Solic)

Am I forgetting anyone whoā€™s definitively confirmed?

wait how am i confirmed again

Visionary canā€™t fake results

That would be the plot twist of the game and very bastard

Because you stopped Frost from using their day ability and you two canā€™t be a scumteam

I guess technically you could have converted Frost last night although Maxwell announcing a moderror in the thread kind of eliminates that theory

Let me ask that.

Wait actually, that makes no sense, I would just be convertedā€¦

I mean FMPoV I donā€™t know whether or not youā€™re converted

although in the case where youā€™re converted and the Visi appeared BD then you could just lie so this probably isnā€™t a super worthwhile train of thought

Whether my results matter

Anyone can be converted because Solic had brilliant idea to lynch Crone or Alchemist claim instead

What did he expect to eliminate of process from converter that cannot be tracked.

I think Frost is pretty confirmed too

Now did Wazza just convert Solic :thinking:

Visionary can be tracked

Even so.

It was easier to lynch instead.

Oh wow, I didnā€™t even notice Nightwatch was the old variant here. I feel like I could have incorporated that better in the nightplan perhapsā€¦ :thinking:

Anyways, no way a 2 person scumteam, can fake that, so Katze is locktown, alongside Wazza and Frost.

You could have

But I wasnā€™t going to claim NW until today at the very earliest

and Iā€™m actually mad that I claimed it when I did, I thought I caught Wazza in a lie

I donā€™t think Wazza is locktown just yet though