[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]


Can you like triplecheck your night actions…? :upside_down_face:

Oh? Do we get a new thunderdome? @Arete, when you wake up, please come and see this.

I got a result that one person from one faction visited me. Meaning it’s Jgoes as Butler, leading me to be occupied. Noone else claims a visit on me. Where am I lying? :roll_eyes:

No D1 Eager Service…

It only occupies day abilities to be used.

Yes, I wasn’t occupied by that. They occupied me at night.

I actually intentionally didn’t use my day ability day 2, because I thought they would use it on me after openwolving. :smile: Thought it might also be better later.

Jgoes and BD in the feedback? Oh man…

…well, when it comes to occs, then there is always Derps?

Did they mention biting Isaac?

No, it’s one person from one faction. But GIVEN that also I was occupied that night, means that one person could only be an occupier and it makes perfect sense for it to be Jgoes, because I was townleading and I wasn’t killed by BD.

Oh ok I see now how factions work in that day ability.

Wazza claims to be occupied night 1 too actually, so that’d account for Derp, which means it’s still not solved.

I think I’ll wait for Isaac again…

However if Derps did not occupy Isaac as well, then Squid wouldn’t able to BD check Jgoes that night.

You haven’t mentioned D1 before until now did you?

What do you mean? My action?


Yes, I did.

No he is fine, I am in fact worried that you basically say Jgoes didn’t occupy Isaac, so Isaac’s occupy action succeed on Squid

So…did you slip?