[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

I jail Possessed

If Kyo flips Arba I kill Possessed, otherwise I probably don’t do that

Invests go Heroine-hunting but don’t call out your targets so they don’t know who to kill, also bear in mind that if Wazza and Sam are both legit Wazz is framed

Isaac on me, we love being occupy immune

Soul can WifoM a guard


Frost probably knows who I want him to stalk, I think

What’s the PoE beyond Kyo and Poss?

Sam, me and Soul IIRC.

Visi PoE is Kyo/Poss/Sam/very technically Zone

Convert PoE is almost everyone

Soul is King

I plan to read him based on whether the game ends when it ought to

Oh. Visi PoE. I thought it was convert PoE at worst, but oh well.

Anyhow, we have the plans.
Are we ready to hammer then, or do we need to wait for someone offline?

Convert PoE depends on whether they converted N2, N3, or not at all

If Kyo is visionary they visited Shurian n2 and I feel like they no actioned n3 given the replacing out part

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in theory yes, however given the game does not end - that means either Soul or convert is done N3, or he flips Arbalest.

I agree

If Kyo flips Visi and the game continues I’m inclined to vote Soul unless we have reason to think there’s a Heroine

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Heroine will become Visionary however?

Agree with Kat to be clear

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In that case we just move forward to Possessed, right? Or do we go to Sam then? @Arete, if Kyo is not Visi and didn’t visit anyone N3… then why wouldn’t you exe Possessed?

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Given the lack of nightkills I do think the N2 convert was missed

I think I know who’d be converted if one exists though, so I’m following them tonight

and I’m probably dead tonight :upside_down_face:

If Kyo’s not Visi I exe Possessed

If Kyo is Visi I don’t

@Soulshade55r, do your job as King and protect katze.

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Oh. Alright, in that case we’re good.
…are we also good to go for the hammer?
We need 2 votes, and we have 2 voters (katze and me).

This is why Solic is going to match alignment/class type on Sam and Arete.

As far as I know, non starting Visionary doesn’t have the ability to fakeclaim nor immune to all forms of investigation abilities.

I would still prefer class type investigation in case Soul mess with Solic’s results, marking BD as US.