[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

why would I say what I did n3

Whatā€™s the deal with zone? Why arenā€™t they in the Poe?

they keep asking me for logs like itā€™s going to help them.

And you better believe when weā€™re done with the remaining of Blue Dragons out of Castle Adiart, you will find yourself hanging around the noose, a merciful death you wish you havenā€™t.

Donā€™t you worry, the last thing we need is letting Zone+Arete away if the game still continues.

Alrighty then.

I. am. confirmed.

I donā€™t say this often, because itā€™s something Iā€™ve faked before, but I am actually confirmed this time

there is no world in which I can be anything other than Duke

Indeed? Itā€™s not just you but also Sam that need to be checked out this night.

Kyo flipping as Visionary but not ending the game mean two things: Soul or Heroine turning into Visionary.

Who might that be?

Arete is super sus!

Perhaps, but it is clear once Kyo is flipped as Visionary, Arete cant be confirmed that night when Kyo visited Shurian according to Katze.

literally anyone but me/Soul/Solic could have been converted last night if Kyo didnā€™t no-action

I think

Confirmed =/= converted

wrong words, sorry

nope I killed a neut last night Iā€™m confirmed

and Isaac was on me so I canā€™t be converted

I meant to write converted

Why yes of course and heā€™s also modconfirmed that I am suppose to have different day result than host posted originally.

dw arete wasnā€™t converted

Right, youā€™re right soā€¦

forgive me.

no need to cry pappaā€™s going to take care of Arete

Although my point still remains, is Sam converted or not? Thatā€™s the question.

might be I havenā€™t target sam once during this game I can confirm that.

Iā€™m bleeding

Thereā€™s a convert