[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

I don’t know why Solic’s arrogance left to believe his plan is perfect, it is not perfect I know.

Good deduction, but it didn’t produce the result that help us gamesolve, not quite, we did get read on certain people.

Well… I got no excuse there.
Still… when will those two come?


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Hang on, I just had another thought

Let me check something with Maxwell quickly

Never mind, I misremembered the Handmaiden claimed targets

Hydra 4 starts within an hour at MU, and DRFM is supposed to have already started in this forum…
Playing 3 games at once is not quite a good idea IMO.

So… can we hammer Kyo now?

By the way, is a Handmaiden even useful in with OG Visi’s invest-immune ability?


Nightplan is as already discussed, bearing in mind that I’m bleeding and thus an unlikely nightkill target (basically Isaac should guard someone he thinks will be attacked, ideally a non-invest)

Kidnap is set on Possessed already

at this point with me bleeding I’m lowkey expecting Kyo to flip purple but there’s not much we can do about him deciding not to play and he’s in the PoE

Also don’t check Wazza because if Sam is legit Wazza is probably framed

What’s the current VC?

well like everybody alive is an invest

Remember, Heroine is occ immune and Visi is no-actioning tonight, so Isaac should be on a townread for protection rather than a scumread

@Isaac_Gonzalez, read this. ↑

Isn’t that a reason to check Wazza though? To confirm Sam?

Kyo’s at L-1. Frost and Possessed were waiting for you and Solic.

I mean a check on Wazza doesn’t distinguish between the scenario where Sam converted Wazza and the scenario where Sam and Wazz are legitimate (though it does distinguish between those scenarios and the technically possible one where Soul yologuarded Visi!Wazza)

Are people cool with me just hammering this?

…you know, there is also the option to drag this Day out until Soul gives us answer, but I 100+% doubt that will happen in this game. Only post-game do I believe that Soul will reveal his logs.

Soul’s BD, he’s not going to give us info

Quickhammering 30 seconds after the mechanically confirmed locktown and unconverted person requests more time because they just got new information never comes from town