[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

I mean… “most of us” are. We were just waiting for you “the confirmed Duke and Solic” to approve the lynch.

/vote Kyo


In that case… only Solic is confirmed unseen then. Since the other BD can only be one among Possessed and Wazza (in the worst case scenario where Kyo is unseen).

Unofficial VC:

Kyo (6)        | Solic, Soul (KING), Wazza, Zone, Arete
Wazza (2)      | Frost, Isaac
Possessed (1)  | Sam
Not voting (3) | Kyo, katze, Possessed

Hey uh… who has the quote with the plans again?

im bad at guessing

Ok ok don’t panic, are we following Arete or Sam plan?

It’s hammer, stop talking


Sure; target me.

Arete’s. We may as well go back to OG plan.

I don’t see anything in the OP regarding “no talking after hammer”.
I did gain a warning for talking at night, but at that time it was already confirmed night phase.
Until any host says otherwise, meta reasoning of “hammer -> no talking” is something I cannot accept as such rule should have been written at the OP.

I mean… this does nothing, but okay.

I am trying to find

@Frostwolf103, here.

@Arete why can’t I guard you

He’s bled. If BD attacks him, then it’s just a waste of a kill since he’ll die at N5 anyways and there is nobody who can heal him.

Can’t read up, something came up, just listen to Arete

Hammer was already reached earlier; Isaac’s unvote is not accepted.

KyoDaz has been executed by the court on the charge of High Treason! They were . . .

The Arbalest

Unseen Killer
Volley (Day) - If you fire an arrow at one of your marks tonight, remove all marks and attack any other player whose mark was removed. You are immune to redirection this night. - 2 uses
Raven Shot (Night) - Fire an arrow to kill your target. This ability is disabled if you kill a member of the Unseen with it. - Infinite uses
Pin Down (Night) - Place a mark on target player. A marked player is no longer passively death immune. You may have up to three marks. Targeting a marked player with this ability will remove the mark. Targeting yourself will remove all marks. Marks disappear on death or class change. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

KyoDaz had the following logs salvageable on their person:

KyoDaz - Arbalest

N1 - Jailed
N2 - Raven Shot Shurian

Night 4 has just begun and will end in 24 hours, at 2019-12-03T22:12:00Z.

Feedback coming now, day 5 starting soon after


Possessed and Katze have both been found dead!

Possessed was . . .

The Handmaiden

Unseen Investigative
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two dead players. At the end of the night, you will learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses
Rumor (Day) - You cannot use this ability on day 1. Make a player “last checked” in regards to Matchmake. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Test if a player is compatible with the player you last checked. - Infinite uses
Prying Servants (Night) - Choose a living player and a dead player. At the end of the night, you will learn if the living player visited the dead player on the night they died. - 3 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Possessed had the following logs on their person:

Possessed, the Oblivious Handmaiden

N1 - Matchmake Frostwolf
N2 - Matchmake PKR - NOT COMPAT
D3- Rumor Solic
N3 - Matchmake Zone - COMPAT
N4 - Jailed, probably exed.


Do you think maybe…I don’t know, night plans don’t ever actually work to towns benefit? Don’t act surprised when you execute the only real Handmaiden and it flips Handmaiden.

katze was . . .

The Nightwatch

Unseen Investigative
Angry Bird (Day) - See if target player leaves their room tonight at the end of tonight. - Infinite uses
Follow (Night) - Observe a player to see who visits them and who they visited at night. - Infinite uses
Window Peek (Night) - Reveal a player’s faction. - 2 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

katze had the following logs on her person:


D1: No action (ty cheeki)
N1: No action (ty cheeki)
~~ Katze has entered the arena! ~~
D2: Angry Bird PokemonKidRyan (Left their room)
N2: Follow KyoDaz (No visitors, visited Shurian)
D3: Angry Bird Zone (Did not leave their room)
N3: Follow Solic (Visited by Frostwolf and Wazza, visited Katze and Possessed)
D4: Angry Bird Sam17z (aaa)
N4: Peek Solic (explained below)

|20x20[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous - Day 3 (13/20): Massacre in the Castle
N one of the above
W ell, I’ve kind of already softed my exact class, and while I don’t think I’m massively important I’d rather keep it ambiguous

NW = Nightwatch

Why am I claiming Stalker? I’m intentionally sandbagging because I feel like Nightwatch is one of our best bets for finding the starting Visionary and any Heroine. So I’m trying to make myself a lower priority target. I’m intentionally acting a little bit wolfy for that reason. I emphasized multiple times how I think I’m a weak class on purpose, I know I’m a strong class. So if I die N3, that’s unfortunate for me. Call it a bad play but I’m playing to not die early. Which I think I’ve failed at, honestly. If you see this, then it means I did probably did fail and you can press F in the chat for me. Or I felt forced to reveal my true claim, which means I probably found something. In which case… nice.
tfw Arete keeps using my FoL24 game to justify their skepticism of me

I wrote that like, N2, but I don’t feel like deleting it :slight_smile:

N4: I don’t really know what to do. I feel like a Peek is kind of wasted here but I also feel like I’m going to die. I’m really hoping Frost is checking who visits me.
Peeking Solic because an Unseen check on Solic should confirm Wazza, and if Wazza is confirmed Zone should be fine.

Day 5 has just begun and will end at either 2019-12-07T05:22:00Z or when someone gets hammered, whichever comes first. There are 8 players alive, so majority is 5. Please remember that the lynch is majority only (NO Plurality) today.

If anyone visited a dead person now is your chance to out that you did so

Being a class that doesn’t visit I obviously didn’t (although I did kill Possessed, sorry Possessed)

Low-key tinfoiled myself overnight into it being Zone rather than Sam

specifically what pinged me in that regard was Zone’s initial reaction to me being bled