[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Ps: When he pushed me, he was Unseen

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Thing is I would have made solic convert immune n1 if I was unseen likely

@Solic Your obsession with getting Neuts lynched caused you to get converted. How does that feel?

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Yeah I know, afterwards however.

I think you mean Vulgardā€“oops heā€™s not here.

Which was my slot!

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I pointed out how stupid Neuts Out this setup was, even though I am grateful that is out of way, but he still insists Kyo, WHO IS FRIGGING INACTIVE, is the Visionary EVEN THE CRONE GOT LYNCHED


SHURIAN!!!wqd 90J w qi


I realize this is all up to mod discretion, but i think itā€™s fair for me to ask that i be relegated to backseat abilities from a hosting perspective for a while going forward instead of being outright blacklisted. I did not circumvent the review process in any way whatsoever like alice did and I even waited two weeks after finishing this build for a reviewer to have the time to help me.

I also think it makes sense to establish better guidelines where less experienced hosts must either take a secondary role for action and feedback processing to veteran co-hosts or be forced to discuss all actions + feedback with such co-hosts before giving any feedback.

FoL 24, which I took the driverā€™s seat on processing actions for, also had multiple moderrors, and I know Kyoā€™s BfA game had several moderrors as well and he was a newbie host at that time.


The King Soul was caught having a unfair advantage the unseen said ā€œno uā€ and soul said ā€œyea that seems bout right!ā€ then the unseen and bd realised that they wanted peace and the blue dragon and unseen formed the Black Rose and lived happily ever after and all was super happy.


It was just kind of frustrating that my co-host left midgame and even when he was here, he didnā€™t help at all with feedback processing as he told me explicitly to not share my feedback spreadsheet with him and that he would not help with that.

Me was like
Yes Frost good fight
I wonder why nobody wondered why I wasnā€™t even mentioning Wazza

He is on a trip no?

I felt like you should have made the thread it was kinda annoying it didnā€™t get updated. Might be best to get more then one co-host if you can

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he is but if you canā€™t help with feedback processing you shouldnā€™t be able to co-host imo

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yes, for very newbie hosts like me, 2-3 co-hosts is best.

I would assess that I had 0 co-hosts for the entire game since ability / feedback processing is the core of hosting and in the end what matters far more than anything else

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I donā€™t really blame luxy but itā€™s kinda weird that they would co-host while on a trip of course I donā€™t really know about peoples personal life and things can come up out of nowhere from the blue.

I didnā€™t know he wouldnā€™t be able to help at all with feedback processing when he inned as a co-host.

I just believe now that if one of the hosts on a game is not an established veteran host (like me, a newbie), they should not be able to send any feedback before consulting with other host(s).

I think the biggest moderror in my game was accidentally telling Kyo their was a NK

aaa Iā€™ve hosted with a co-host who was alright (not the best idk if they did it a lot before). I remember getting some night actions wrong because only I processed them so I know how you feel (This was back ages ago).