[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

I was also informed that PKR was swarmed by investigatives the night he died.

I maintain that WotMing a rand on the grounds that one side or the other has stronger players is silly

If one side plays better it makes sense that that side will usually win

Not really, Marshal was on Squid so he had right to attack PKR back, somehow that causes two deaths on Unseen prospective.

PKR attacked squid who had an enforcer on her. But pkr goes through redirects. All 3 died

Marshal saving Marshal

haha what a joke

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Nah. PKR shouldā€™ve survived no matter what there.

No Wazza

That was N2.

Enforcer kills the attacker though

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oh nm

I was talking through it with Maxwell. He semi-agreed with me but it was a fair trade off since so many investigatives went onto PKR N2.

He was counterattacks Ed by an enforcer and is not immune to said counterattacks

That is why this is not an protection when killing starts.

The wording says nothing about redirection

I think the normal fol one does at least

Valiant Smite (Call to Arms | Night) - Kill a target player, regardless of faction, bypassing any and all forms of immunity and protection. You will take their journal, making it appear as though they didnā€™t leave one, and you will be able to read it. - 2 uses (shared)

This should not have killed PKR, in my opinion, counter-attack should not be triggered at all because of this since it bypasses all protection, meaning both Marshal and PKR should have lived.

from host chat @Emilia

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But of course, the passive wonā€™t work because of strongman being active.

In any case the night plan the night Wazza converted Solic was fine, the problem was the thing where Soul knew Wazzaā€™s identity and I donā€™t think Solic could reasonably have planned for that while constructing the night plan

nice work in that regard, Solic

I learnt this from Geyde.

Personally, I fucking hate this, but I had to follow it myself as a newbie host at the time.