[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

i’ll be the co-host

Dedication to improve yourself :slight_smile:

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but i’ll compensate by creating more of the game lore since i’ve actually played the game while u just watched mekkkah / mangs lol

I mean, I’m planning on hosting FoL 25, if the person I just asked to co-host with me doesn’t want to do it then you can co-host with me.

The key element to a night plan is having correct claims from town and for them to actually go through with their nightactions. The moment neither of these exist the plan fails and the wrong ppl are killed.

You can’t rely on a night plan with NO READS. That’s what Town Solic did.

Okay look, even if we ignore all the other problems with the ‘WotM the teams to have equally good players’ thing, it will inevitably lead to angleshooting based on which players are strong enough or weak enough to cause a reroll

Can we at least agree that that’s undesirable?

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I won’t be available again until late december

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Fairly sure Jake said they really wanted to cohost


Luxy told me explicitly that i should have used WoTM, but I agree that it creates angleshooting which sucks, so the community should make a ruling on it IMO

I’ll ping him for the question when I get a response, but 2 Co-Hosts either way never hurt anyone/

I am trying to make Star Wars KOTOR game, but uh…

It’s such as flusstercuck of prototype :slight_smile:

It scrapped 2 times of concept, wow!

but they shut u down after you asked if they wanted to be second cohost like go for it anyway though

However individual rolls being randomized isn’t an issue

Think 2 scum neuts + scum king

i cant like things but totally. I will be way more open this weekend to start getting it done

heck yeah! never played but i might now that im excited they’re making a movie based on it
Darth revan has always captivated me far more than any other star wars characters

I do have to congratulate you for making impressive roll class system after the sign ups are done

Then 1 of those proceed to out the Visionary.

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Lol that’s just was luxy said; i was unfamiliar