[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

…? What do you mean by this?

Maybe eevee thinks you are one of the best? Lol

  1. I don’t remember you mislynching me. I do remember you stealing an easter egg when NP was the host though.

  2. Yeah… I planned to confirm you as a friendly neutral, which obviously failed… People at D1 were not certain that Neuts are a nuisance, so I wanted you to be a confirmed good Neut. …this is why you never fakeclaim when I am a Killer Role.

I am pressing X to doubt.

Also, this is the second game canned within this period… what’s the next game to be canned? @DatBird’s JoJo game?

@eevee, what do I have to do to righteously kill you in-game?

Only one prestige class rolled lol

NO it will not be canned

You shouldn’t have threaten to kill me regardless of stuff before game.

I put the blame on you.

I tried to avoid being killed there.

Like Zone even rn is messeging me on discord asking what to do to finally kill me.



Oh my gawd xD



Why WotMing a re-rand based on the skill of players on each side is bad and we shouldn’t do it

a bullet pointed list by Arete, because I’m too lazy to make this a proper essay
  • WotMing re-rands for this reason punishes players for being good. If Eevee and Alice are both better than I am, and that means they never get to roll scum together, while I am allowed to roll scum with them due to not being as strong of a player, then that’s actively punishing the strong players for their player skill. If some players are stronger than others, and those players win more, then that’s a predictable consequence of how the game works.
  • WotMing re-rands for this reason enables all kinds of angleshooting. I don’t want ‘Eevee and Alice were both scum, so Geyde is probably town’ to ever be a valid argument, nor ‘[newbie 1] and [newbie 2] were both scum, so the other newbies are town.’ Even if it’s explicitly against the rules to discuss it, that’s not going to stop people.
  • Playing against a team that’s near-strictly better than you forces you to learn quickly. For instance, the resounding defeat of my team in SF4 was a valuable learning experience that absolutely forced me to become a better player in future games.
  • WotMing rerands for this reason forces hosts to make subjective decisions about player skill, which could cause lots of problems. For instance, Maxwell explicitly brought up Wazza as part of the reason why he thought the DR game should have been re-randed to be less scumsided based on player skill, while Luxy thought this game, which also contained Wazza on the scumteam, should have been re-randed for literally the exact opposite reason. This indicates that there’s not a clear definition of who is or isn’t “good enough” to trigger such a re-rand, and there will always be a significant number of edge cases. Furthermore, this has high potential to hurt some players feelings for no reason, which is generally undesirable. Finally, this system would fail to take into account nuances such as people being better at one alignment than the other.

I can’t focus on game if I need to focus on avoiding Zone doing stupid kills .-.


I feel like we need a counter for every time eevee’s fakeclaimed neut and gotten TK’d

Then you shouldn’t have claimed a Neut…

Never! I have about 3 stacks of grudges against you, and I can only remember 1 of them!
I have to at least get ONE kill!


Didn’t Geyde CS you as Phys faking Alch once?

Hey. At least I have become more reasonable as of the past few months.
Why didn’t you try to reason with me (without claiming as a Neut…!)?