[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Are you leading the game right now?

nope, not really but Iā€™m trying to help if I can.


Iā€™m bored, it feels like forever since I played fm. pff

Iā€™m clearly not. :smile:

Do you feel like asking protectives to protect you N1?

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You have no idea how apt that question is. Lul.

I think Pkr is also a slight scum lean but this isnā€™t really anything heavy honestly Itā€™s just based on what me and kyo have said already, I think a small push towards pkrā€™s thought process would be nice

Bad Solic ā€¦ bad.

Iā€™ll just start reading up.

@PokemonKidRyan <- if yo ist alive.

Most of your initial posts denoted that you had a plan from the start of the game but thatā€™s not reflecting in how you go about enacting those plans.
I think his town leader schtick is a gimmick that heā€™s imposed on himself without knowing

Nothing feels hot and heā€™s trying to be the consensus (if you know what Iā€™m referring to)
I feel that coming from town significantly more than scum based on this gimmick being contrary to what scum wants to do (not be tied to consensus as much)

By the way I do think itā€™s odd Soul has generated so much content already, but maybe itā€™s for NAI reasons. Admittedly Iā€™ve only ever seen him do that when he was defending himself, so.
I like his tone so he feels V to me. Not a strong read, but itā€™s there.

Kyoā€™s push is NAI but the followup will be important.

Iā€™m honestly getting V vibes here. It doesnā€™t feel like PKR has already made up his mind about Soul being a wolf and heā€™s trying to figure out Soulā€™s alignment quite naturally. By that I mean, there doesnā€™t seem to be TMI in there.

Actually this feels relatively thought out deeply, so townlean for Soul.

Triplepost read on Soul, spicy!

Itā€™s also sad that the discussion is centered around king this early however.

It does feel thought out, but I donā€™t see it always coming from Town.
I thought it came from scum who realised that they canā€™t use that ability with the other one due to the time limit greatly.

Just feels like the weirdest thing to comment on personally but you could be right, it may have been more of a reaction test

theyā€™re online
thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been talking about them

Do you have any thoughts on other players?

who is being referred to here

I wasnā€™t even directing that straight at youā€¦ :eyes:

Actually Soul might feel obligated to generate content because of his class, which would be funny but itā€™s also a V thing (being excited about your class and morphing your playstyle around it).

Soul; I follow up on the read later.

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