[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Damn Zone, decide on one person xD

He got time for that tomorrow I guess

I feel like spending Duke time on a neut is usually a waste

We have that time to waste here considering weā€™ve 20 players.

And scum can also neutclaim fyi.

Thatā€™s a fair point; I think Derps is highly likely to be telling the truth here based on how heā€™s played literally every neut game ever (though he could be lying about his wincon) but Iā€™m less sure about Eevee. No clue about Possessedā€™s ā€¦ Crone to Handmaiden who thought he was solo scum ā€¦ claim.

I am going to sleep so

ā€¦In any case, for whatever itā€™s worth, Iā€™m sorry for being kind of a jerk yesterday. Thatā€™s not the sort of behavior I want our community to promote, and I shouldnā€™t be exhibiting it; apologies to anyone I hurt.

thatā€™s not game-related but I felt like I should probably say it

I accept your apology even though I wasnā€™t in the game yesterday

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Neuts everywhere

#eevee sides NK so letā€™s kill them now. #duke

#eevee is NK

/vote Jgoes

/vote Jgoes
Sheep Sam kappa

ā€¦Weā€™re getting really close to hammer, we should probably ā€¦ stop.

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Yeahā€¦ we should probably talk some more

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Can I change my claim now so you will believe me less, like Possessed did?

I donā€™t buy it if it ameks you feel any better

Ici might be a wolf

I was V-reading him earlier but I just searched his posts and he literally never mentions Jgoes until the redcheck, then writes:

the tone of which feels to me very much like that of a wolf bussing their buddy whoā€™s just been redchecked

also itā€™s weird to me that he supposedly knew a redcheck had happened, but not who had outed it; if he was reading the thread normally, I would have expected him to notice both. his posts here are more consistent with having been told there was a redcheck by scumchat, and trying to come up with a natural response.


he does seem a little too knowledgable and eager

heā€™s like ā€œwho redpeeked jgoesā€?


ā€œhaha die nerd jgoes suck on my toes im glad to be voting youā€