[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

I was talking about Marshal.

I thought both means me.

You act as though heā€™s immediately confirmed not to be lying just because he claims potentially against us.


Fix OP please.

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Duke bypasses that. :man_shrugging:

Yep. To top it off, the Neutral is eevee.
I already know that it sounds bad, but I donā€™t care.
Since I can only kill people, what more can I do to ensure Squidā€™s safety anyways?

What class are you claiming?

I meant both as in ā€œeevee is lyingā€ and ā€œMarshal gets redirectedā€.

Well, thatā€™s why we have Marshal as our backup, right?

No, Iā€™m actually gonna protect Squid as I said.

*checks Duke's killing ability*
ā€¦! @KyoDaz, blackmail Duke to not execute eevee. I want to see this plan succeed no matter what!

Killing, of course.

Like, all of you think that Iā€™m not a groupscum.
Or at least thatā€™s the conclusion from before.

So I can either occupy Squid or prevent visits to Squid.
And itā€™s kinda obvious of which happened.

LIkeā€¦ you should be trying to convince me Soul is evil, not convince me that Soul is good.

Duke is the Prince btw.
Also, I love how this has turned into a game of ā€˜blackmail the Dukeā€™.

I know that you will do it, but what I said was meant towards Kyo, and it regards a possibility of that world. Naturally, the only thing I can do is ā€œhopeā€ that the worst case scenario wonā€™t happen.

This is boring. Can I be lynched already?

I have nothing to do.

What scum are you, Jgoes?
Also I believe Jgoes wouldā€™ve bled someone by now if he was the Champion.

Or Visionary. Or whatever itā€™s called.

ā€¦? Unless you meant to compare the Duke, it canā€™t be a Prince.

No, Iā€™m saying itā€™s the Prince of this game.

Uh ok? I mean your evil to me, but I guess Iā€™m random towards you unless you know Iā€™m unseen and are trying to trick people.

i feel like you should have went the fake claiming neut route Tbh. As your objective is more likely to be scumsided I guess If I get lynched people will know for sure if your scum or not but objectively me being unseen king and you open claiming I guess you can waste some time besides that it seems like a strange thing to out.

I donā€™t know if it was the right play for you to out honestly.

I canā€™t do anything either thoughā€¦

Yeah. Thatā€™s what I meant by ā€œcomparingā€.