[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Jgoes :thinking:

I found the wording in one of Souls posts a bit peculiar, let me find it real quick before we hammer Jgoes

Two things can happen here:

  1. The wagon stays on Jgoes. Jgoes flips scum. The Duke jails whoever he wants, possibly eevee, and will probably kill him.
  2. The wagon shifts to Soul. The Duke has ~36 hours to change target. We get data from Soul’s flip. eevee gets info on whom he should be working with. The Duke jails Jgoes and exes him.

The worst case that can happen is Soul being a Corrupted King (i.e. Town King).
…huh. I didn’t think of the fact that @eevee won’t work with us if Soul flips Corrupted King.
…hang on. I gotta ask Maxwell something.

Butler poison? Wouldn’t a Servant poison? The first time I read this it felt like a slip but rereading it makes me think this is just an honest mistake, since Butler doesn’t have poison here. :thinking:

And it’d kill them Day 5.

I think Soul is really concerned with surviving, but I can’t tell if that’s AI given Eevees claim

Let’s exe jgoes here and let duke do his magic

“Then I die day 4”

I don’t seem very concerned about survival.

Shifting to a soul lynch is unlikely to get 10 people

How much time we got left?

So this is why eevee said that we should be convincing him that Soul should be a Righteous (i.e. Mafia) King, and why Kyo was fighting Soul so badly…

36 hours and 45 minutes.

Or we backflip from a Soul wagon, which is still not happening imo, back to JGoes while the Duke was still choosing to jail them, because of a Soul wagon, and they waste their jail. That’s what I’m afraid of sadly.

I trust the duke enough to use his jail wisely and probs find a scum

Why are you trying so hard to end the day early?

When the alternative is a D2 lynch, you look like you’re buying a bit of time

but I don’t think a king lynch makes sense either way, I think it’s NAI

What’s the argument for a Soul lynch over a JGoes lynch?

I am not allowing scum to let jgoes weasel out of this one. He is lock scum kill him. We get information from his class and force the random bd to fake their N2 logs

It solves if eevee is scum or not that’s all

I don’t care about the day. But I am not flipping to a soul wagon

Hey guys, remember when we didn’t execute the 80 percent non-BD King in SFoL 55 and town won because of it?

we aren’t even considering the factor that eevee is fake claiming here.

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You can’t expect a Soul CFD to suddenly happen. Town are a herd of sheep, but they are not stupid sheep.

You can rant all you want, comparing FoL with ToL, but the fact is that it just won’t work.
Marshal will be mad at me, but Kyo said that Duke is not an inactive, so I doubt that he would miss the opportunity to switch his target.