[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Shows he has thoughts on occupation, and has already thought about them.
He’s probably pushing Derps because he doesn’t want his poison if he does heal negated as well.

So stop attempting to switch protectives off of Squid and onto a Servant please.
It’s not very optimal.

Actual take: 3 reasons to justify a light townread, and 1 reason to TR Marshal with him as a stronger townread, is more likely to point to the reverse of your conclusion

The read on Ici felt and still feels more to me like ‘look my wolf buddy is so towny but I’m only putting him as light town because I want to distance’

Basically agree with this thought

The chainsaw on Derps looks really bad but also I buy Derps’s neut claim

What about a chainsaw

I want an explanation on Frost, Jgoes was redchecked

or did they vote him before the redcheck

Possessed being null feels weird but I am also confused about that slot

Disagree with Ici obviously

Slightly disagree with Marshal here, him coming into the thread to complain about his CS not working feels basically real and if he’s Heroine he’d have no reason to try to kill the claimed neut

Defending someone by attacking their accusers

It’s not actually a chainsaw exactly but it’s pretty similar

Ici/Marshal is pretty much never W/W here

I kinda believe marshals CS

No way man Marshal is town and Derps is at worst NK and at best Alch and I believe Derps kappa

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Vote jgoes!

I am

Any objections to me putting Jgoes on L-1?

At least, I think we’re on L-2 right now

I lowkey want us to just hammer him

We’re not getting anything out of this day besides a scum flip

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Well, in that case /vote Jgoes


Don’t test me

I am very down to hammer lmk with any objections

Going to Hammer in 8 hours. Talk for it time. See you. Good night

Big Hammer!
/vote Jgoes

Current Day 2 Official Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Jgoesgaming PoisonedSquid, Frostwolf103, Icibalus, WazzaAzza, Marshal, Solic, SirDerpsAlot, katze, Shurian 9/10
Soulshade55r :crown: eevee, KyoDaz, Zone_Q11 3/10
eevee Arete 1/10
Currently Abstaining Players Sam17z, Possessed, PokemonKidRyan, Soulshade55r :crown:, katze, Isaac_Gonzalez 6/19