[SFoL] SFoL 57: Last Stand of the Virtuous [Canned]

Explain the squid read, cause im really iffy on u atm

even though heā€™s neut he`s still probably going to soulread me as scum.

Iā€™m betting hes gonna say it d2, theyā€™re not going to believe him because heā€™s potentialy siding with scumā€™s wincon here.


I could say itā€™s a meta read. I think Squid has a very specific tell as W and Iā€™m not seeing that tell here.
I donā€™t want to specify. I donā€™t want to give her the opportunity to avoid that tell. I donā€™t believe she knows what it is, and I would like to keep it that way at least during this game.
Also, Dat is probably V because heā€™s actually engaging with me. In previous games, I played with him where he was W, and he always seemed to back off from interacting with me no matter what my read on him was.

I need someone to scumread me so I can do some scum slamming

I donā€™t believe this was a reactiontest

  • you didnā€™t soft it as far as I can tell
  • you immediately said ā€˜lolreactiontestā€™ after like ten seconds rather than getting reactions
  • if it was a reactiontest, what reactions was it even intended to gain?

I refuse to read Marshal until d2 because I have a terrible track record of misreading him. :upside_down_face:

Whatā€™s a rt Iā€™m confused?

scumslips are a joke and you are scum for suggestoing this

my comment before.

Then disappear from the thread on day 2. :upside_down_face:

If it was actually a reactiontest then it should be easy to address my points, should it not?

Depending on school work maybe. Nah I have all the confidence I need. I got a fun time roll

do i ever even do this?

it was after 5 seconds

They donā€™t always have to do that.

sometimes they can be used to make discussion, arete.

it doesnā€™t have to be ā€œOMG IMMA CATCH SCUM EVERYTIM!ā€

Dat is being so hardcore V right now I want protectives on him.
I donā€™t think he can fake that as W. Not yet anyway.
If he is faking that as W, I expect him to slip up later, but Iā€™ve just re-read his posts and they scream VillageBird to me.

Almost always there is a RT somehwere

yes, you usually can point to something like ā€˜haha I put the letters R and T in for reaction testā€™

that only supports my point more

that is literally the point of reactiontests

Marshal I want to see some high-quality cat pictures :eyes: